
It disturbs me how many people take the reviews and aggregated scores posted on this shitpile as gospel. "This place has 4 stars on Yelp, we should check it out!" or "It has good reviews on Yelp, so it MUST be good!" is a common thing I still hear. There is a BBQ place near me that has thousands of reviews and a high

Perhaps it just certain segments of Yelp. I live in the greater Toronto area and I have not noticed many douchebag reviews in the restaurants that I have read about. Perhaps we Canadians are naturally less inclined to be douchebags. I don't know.

Yeah, I know. I have an acquaintance with a restaurant with a significant vegetarian menu. Someone just straight up wrote that everything was made with chicken broth and it was lies and bla bla, based on the idea that this person could apparently "tell the difference" between chicken broth and veggie or faux-chicken

"I was vegetarian extremely annoying and insufferable for about six years..."

How could I forget about the Dionnes? Those poor kids.

Not to mention Identical Quintuplets.

Well, the system is set up so idiots get a sense of superiority. More distressing, actually, is that Yelp's business model is that they essentially sell top spots on their site to businesses that will pay, and (I don't know the details but) I run a business on Yelp and they told me they would get rid of some of our

I think because Kanye wants her in runway pieces and she wants to please him as well as be seen in runway pieces that they make to fit her. Something they never would have done before.

This is probably one of the best observations I've read about her that's not stanning or hating. Regardless of how we feel about her celebrity, KK is not an ugly woman. She's short with curves. The clothes do not suit her and yet they throw her in it and pretend like it's all good. I've often wondered why these

I'm past the point of caring. She's a celebrity juggernaut and it's best to just accept that reality and hold one's nose.

She HAD a strong Middle Eastern look. Now she looks kind of like Michael Jackson.
I must say that in this photo, though, she actually does look kind of Armenian. And not coincidentally, waaaay better than she usually looks.

A lot of guys walk away from relationships and have little or no contact with their kids. All they have to do is shrug their shoulders and say their mom is a bitch. Most folks give them a pass. A woman who walks away from her family is seen as unnatural, a monster. Single dad = hero, single mom = she made her own

I had similar conversations with men when I was in my early twenties, where I pointed out to them that penetrative sex means actually letting someone enter your body, and not one of them had actually stopped to think about that. I pointed out to them how emotionally charged the vagina is and how it takes a lot of

I've found quite a few men think of rape in terms of "shame" for a woman, and don't grasp the actual physical and emotional brutality. Several times when the subject of a woman who was beaten and raped came up, my male friends have expressed shock and horror that she was beaten. They would say "why would they do that?

There are men out there that express that raping a woman shouldn't be a crime because it's natural for a woman to get penetrated and it's their sole purpose in life, and they use that purpose to get money and stuff from men, and rape is when men use them for their purpose without them getting anything in return, so

Just to touch on the subject of "men don't understand rape"... I've been thinking lately that they really don't, on a physical level.

You nailed it—the actual problem! Fact is, and this is really true among domestic violence perpetrators as well, they do not see women as people and act sociopathically where women are concerned (largely due to culture). We actually have a larger problem than the rape pandemic, of which it is just a symptom: we are

I guess I'm too late to edit.

What's in a name? that which we call a rape

Not all men just a third of them.