
Guys, I am super impressed and terrified. I fired a handgun for the first time over Christmas break (thanks to the bf's Wisconsin fam) and it was exciting and terrifying and I have made respect for them. They're so heavy! And loud! And holyfuckingshit they blow serious holes in stuff. I can't even imagine shoving one

I know you're a flash in the pan troll, but that's generally not this site's agenga.

Exactly! I told someone a few years ago that I will never vote republican because I have a uterus, and he (of course) laughed and basically called me stupid and myopic because there was just no way that abortion rights were going to be threatened. I wish I couldn't say I told him so :(

Thank you for sharing your very personal story. I'm sorry for your loss.

I terminated a very wanted pregnancy at 26 weeks gestation in June. My daughter had a genetic duplication and abnormalities that would have ensured that her life was brief and painful, had she even survived the rest of pregnancy and birth. If I was not extremely privileged to have excellent health insurance and enough

Right? After they're born, they're on their own! They need to pick themselves up by their bootie-straps and earn the money they need for their own healthcare and food and stop mooching off hard-working Americans.

A brief preview of President Obama's near future...on repeat.

That's easy—They hate women.

I just want to...emphasize

OH CANADA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

They're all for helping everyone.... By everyone I mean white, Christian, rich and male.

:/ come on bb, the lady was a buttface. thus, the laughery.

Because she was an ass about it. She was rude to the server as were her friends. If she'd been polite then fair enough it would be mean to laugh, but she wasn't.

365 Moused-Sized Children

Co-writing the Goon script was surely a labour of love for him — he's utterly mad about hockey — and I think that shone through in the actual movie: it'll be interesting to see if the sequel lives up to the original (last I heard, it was in development). I was so-so about This Is The End but I loved The Trotsky.

I know voting is secret and all, but we need to know every single person who ever voted for Palin for anything so we can round them up into homes and care for them — they clearly are not equipped to make any of their own life choices.

I used to live in the same neighbourhood as Baruchel before I moved to the suburbs to have kids, be boring, etc. He is quite beloved amongst English Montréalers.

I get that way, too! Plus, I made the same exception for Chavril. (Their "lovematch" really was an embarrassment and it was like it was over before it even began).

Yeah, because he took more than 400+ days to vacation, which is more than any other president in recent history. But even if that weren't the case, the framing of the dialogue is ultimately key here: people questioned why he was taking so much time off. No criticisms or questions were raised about how that time off