
It's not in my experience, so take with a pinch of salt, but I could understand some form of grief for the child you thought you had (parents often have dreams for their kids, or simply traditional expectations*) alongside learning about or "meeting" the child you actually have. Does that make sense?

They loved their son so much that they killed their daughter.

What the fuck, that is not a victory for females or business travelers or anyone except for maybe derps who love playing purse roulette when it comes to dangerous projectiles slamming into someone's head when the plane drops.

Seriously, go get that purse and have someone throw it at your face as hard as they can, then

You shouldn't have your purse on your lap.

Just curious as to why you think you should get to keep your purse in your lap? Why not just put it up like the rules require? Was there something in it you could not do without during landing?

I agree, those parents are some power-tripping bureaucratic assholes. Common sense = putting your child into a safety restraint seat because your human arms won't do shit to protect them on an airplane when you hit turbulence or have a takeoff/landing emergency.

Do these parents carry their kid in their arms as they

they are. They bought the ticket for her, thinking they can whine their way into breaking the rules. They could have sent the husband in economy, brought their child's car seat and all would have been fine. But they didn't because they suck as people and as parents.

they sound like awful, entitled people. I'm sure they use their daughters disability all the time to gain sympathy or whatever. I know it is hard to raise a child with severe disabilities, but they just suck.

I agree and honestly it sounds like they used her disability up till now to get away with it because most flight attendants wouldn't want to confront the parents. If the plane hit turbulence and the kid rocketed up into the ceiling and died from injuries they'd have sued the airlines.

I have zero sympathy for these parents. They are the parents and the onus is on them to keep their special needs child safe. It seems to me that they just wanted to save some money on a first class ticket. They know that their child can't sit up and they should have provided a seat for her. People will bring

Exactly! The parents are the ones who fucked up by buying their daughter a seat in economy rather than in business with them. It's their own damn fault for being stupid AND cheap.

The family in this story is ridiculous and was asking the flight attendant to violate FAA rules. FAA rules do NOT allow "lap children" over 2- even for special needs. There IS an exception for using a non approved device on the plane for special needs- such as a special needs car seat or other medical positioner.

If people in those critical jobs can't plan ahead for one or two shifts a year and pack a meal or a freaking lunchable, maybe a couple snacks or protein shakes, make do with some vending machine food or straight up skip dinner in a worst case scenario, they should probably just quit. Their job, their life, the burden

I hate Tim Hortons. This, along with my continuing disregard for hockey, has placed my Canadian citizenship in some question but I was actually born here.

Because teenagers are historically easier to control. A teenager / 20-something with no diploma? Astronomically easier to control.

This shit drives me up the walls. My first managing job I led a walk out because, after 20 years of operating and being closed on christmas, the owner announced ONE WEEK before Christmas that this year, we'd be open. Now, 100% of the kitchen staff and 80% of FOH were devout Catholics. They were upset, I was indignant

When I worked at Whole Foods during grad school, they said I had to choose between "my career" and school. I said immediately, "School. If you're telling me to get a new job I can start looking tomorrow." My store team leader was so shocked, he just told me to leave his office. Then my team leader asked me if I would

Considering you don't even know what my comment is about (spoiler: I didn't turn down a job in management) I find your rage even more amusing then I did your first, very silly comment.

Note: Lest Tim's allow their employees to earn extra on holidays, you are now "invited" to work 1.5x hrs on statutory holidays BUT you won't see another shift that pay period. So, you'll earn time-and-a-half on the stat but will be out a bunch of bucks because they won't schedule you again til the next pay period.

Let me share a story of a restaurant owner who cared. I worked with a lawyer who helped her younger sister open a restaurant. Fabulous, hearty Italian fare. They gave their workers benefits bc they desperately wanted a staff that they could train and retain. And they were innovative. They hired a dishwasher with