
I personally know a woman who carries a loaded firearm in her diaper bag for protection and refuses to see the irony of the statistics she is looking at...

THANK you. I am a single female who lives alone. It would be way more frightening to me to have one around than the idea of some imaginary burglar... the one thing I can think reading this story is thank god it didn't hit a bystander or one of the kids.

SO very well said. Thank you, I'm with you on this one. As for gun owners saying guns aren't to blame...well a mother died, hard to see any other way besides a gun that a toddler could kill his mother...She should have been more responsible, but still. No gun, no death.

What possible reason could a young mother with multiple children have for carrying a loaded firearm on a shopping trip to Wal-Mart?! Wal-Mart is a threat to the economy but guns aren't going to do shit to stop that.

That is actually a really helpful analogy. Thank you for helping me understand what was maybe going on in Leelah's head. I'm glad you're here, for the record. You seem like you have a lot to offer the world, Internet Stranger. :) Many, many hugs.

The deer comparison makes sense. And just made me feel sad all over again. Ughhh. So terrible.

The one thing I can think of is that a semi, or a train or a bus, is one of the more certain ways to kill yourself. Overdoses tend not to work when you're trying to die, and you have to get your hands on the stuff. Hanging might be almost as effective, but you need a strong beam/light fixture/etc. in your house.

I think you're 100% accurate.

You are a very horrible human being. These transphobic bigots drove this teenager to suicide. Period

oh my god shit show

No, but you definitely get to be snotty about someone who ate an entire ream of paper because they didn't realize they were chewing paper.

Yes. I love that story because I totally see both sides of it! He, naturally enough, must have felt as if they'd come from the moon or something, having clearly never heard of such a thing; while they, also naturally enough, didn't think it was weird for obvious tourists to have a question about a local business's

The crunchy allergy might be funnier anyway (portrait of a person who took it way, waaaayyy too much to heart when some well-meaning friend told her, "Just say you're allergic to things you don't like")... but I can't tell as I don't think I've seen the "red allergy" story. And I would love to! Searching for "red

You are amazing. BCO is my favourite thing on the internet. And I really, really want to read one about Gluten-Free Idiots.

The guy that called and argued with me for five minutes that we were, in fact, a doctor's office and not a pizzeria.

Your husband must have frequented the laundraumat I worked at in highschool. You'd be amazed how many people don't know the dryer has a lint trap and that it has to be cleaned.

Also, if you've been the kind of lucky douchebag who's always had someone else do your laundry for you/ has never been on the receiving end of someone fed up with always having to empty your damn lint trap because you're an ignoramus, it's kind of easy to forget about. Eggs, though. You'd have to live a life


Lint traps don't make regular appearances in popular culture, while both scrambled and sunny-side up eggs are pretty much iconic.

That's why they asked after the first time. It wasn't snooty, it was them wanting to know.