yeah, but I think I'd marginally prefer 5 hours of "ugh, I just sucked this douchebag's cock" to 5 hours of "oh jesus, this guy is such a douchebag and soon I'm going to have to suck his cock"
yeah, but I think I'd marginally prefer 5 hours of "ugh, I just sucked this douchebag's cock" to 5 hours of "oh jesus, this guy is such a douchebag and soon I'm going to have to suck his cock"
I'm a vegan and this rambling rant is bullshit. People don't have to not eat meat to care about what happened to this man and his dog.
Yep. True story. ;)
We're unique in our own inoffensive ways...but not if that bothers you too much, we'll stop.
Yes, we have our ways of standing out, but not so much as to offend anyone. That would be wrong.
You know you are Canadian find you self saying "Excuse me, sorry..." after burping in an empty room.
Good idea. It's why we put flags on our luggage. And say eh a lot, when travelling.
I think they were mostly afraid they'd get sick and be subjected to that horrible socialized medicine with their Canadian Socialist death panels and affordable co-pays.
They are! There the tourists that come up here to Canada and complain about EVERYTHING not being the same as it is down in Bumtuck, Whatever-State, and make me wonder why the hell they travelled in the first place.
I only ever learned metric in school, but I bake, build and calculate my mileage the other way (slide rule!). Does anyone know what liters/100km actually real-life means? Or 11 ml of salt? No idea what an ounce is though- why the volume and the mass???? I like the neatness of metric, but bits of it seem foreign…
They were afraid the whole time, right? I mean, it is so exotic there!
And if you must fly (still vote for VIA too) then go Porter, of course. Full size pints for beer!!
as a Canuck, who grew up smack dab in the middle of conversion chaos & still thinks in both systems because of it (before coffee, I still don't know some days if it's hot or cold until I actually go outside!), I just wanted to point out '83 was literally the midst of our Metric Rebellion when some old fogies (&…
"It's not just a difference in the way that we measure things?" Kooiman replied. "Is it not as safe in that part of the world? Because our viewers may be thinking, 'International travel, is it safe? Is it not safe?'"
Fuck evil neighbors. They are capable of anything. Why can't they mind their own fucking business? We had to change because our neighbors were OBSESSED with us. Always watching out the windows waiting for us to come home, commenting on the shopping bags we carried, paying attention to everything we did, who came to…
Sadly, plenty of people euthanize their perfectly healthy pets when they get tired of them, for behavioral issues, because the breed is no longer fashionable, etc. and plenty of vets are happy to oblige.
I've been waiting to hear that myself—I NEVER read/hear/see articles, etc., about men who were married 50 years and had terrible sex lives. A man that doesn't have an orgasm?! Somebody call the law! Hell, all I hear about is low T this, low T that, go to specialist A, and if that doesn't work, try specialist B…
Pretty sure it's "stop pretending that it's OK for coupled sexual pleasure to be so uneven and that it's not a problem for so many" since this article is primarily about ladies who aren't getting off and are (at least claiming to be) ok with that.