Yeah, I'm shocked at how many people are just not getting it. Tracy isn't saying don't change your parenting methods or that parents aren't allowed to make mistakes. She's saying the way these parents are going about it in the wrong way.
Yeah, I'm shocked at how many people are just not getting it. Tracy isn't saying don't change your parenting methods or that parents aren't allowed to make mistakes. She's saying the way these parents are going about it in the wrong way.
For those not getting it: the author of this post is ripping on the fact that the parents are the reason the kids behave entitled to begin with, so they're punishing the kids for their bad parenting skills.
Drizzling maple syrup on snow is a thing here in Canada. Mostly Quebec.
Oh my god, I would have spoken up mid sermon if someone had done that at my grandfather's funeral!
Careful who you invite to weddings and funerals. At my 82 yr old uncle's funeral, the priest gave a sermon on abortion. He borrowed from the Mormons and explained to everyone that it's not your body; it's God's body so it's not your choice.
Are men really that intimidated by women having anything remotely close to them career-wise? It just really grinds my gears that men feel that they have the right to tell a woman what to with her own personal life. What difference does it make what other people do as long as they aren't murdering or hurting people.
My mother has had this happen many times. She was a single parent who has lived a very hard life due to making a mountain of bad decisions. She had a terrible rental history, the world's worst credit rating and a criminal history. Most of the places that would accept her as a tenant were pretty unscrupulous. She was…
You seem like a really empathetic, kind person.
You don't need to mansplain balls. I've known enough of them intimately, along with them men to whom they're attached, to know that your explanation is mostly bullshit. I get an itchy clit or labia sometimes, and you know what I do? I suffer with it, like an adult in public should aim to, until I can get to a private…
Uh huh. And why is it that men are, culturally, dominant and women are, culturally, submissive? It couldn't be because there are huge systems of coercion and correction both subtle and overt, right?
So your solution is to force the people on either side of you to clamp their own legs shut, causing the same heat, sweat, and grossness for them? Because at least you got to be comfortable, you know? Because you're the only one in the world that sweats.
Thank you, that's awesome. Next step of your mission, should you choose to accept, is to call out manspreaders around you. Women face physical and verbal intimidation and occasionally physical violence when doing it. Men mightget a huffy reaction.
Used to do this all the time. I think, anyway. I mean, I don't actually remember doing it so much but then I learned about it and realized "yes. This is something guys do. I'm going to make sure I don't do it anymore." And given how hard I have to try to remember not to do it, I suspect I used to do it a lot. I think…
Splay-legged men... I say we get rid of them
NOT revenge porn. Revenge porn is when you take pictures that were sent to you during a relationship and disseminate them in order to ruin your ex.
2 people were standing NAKED in a fucking parking lot and 100 people took photos of them. NOT the same thing at all. You can argue the ethics of Jezebel reporting on this…
As long as we keep Billy Bob Thornton's grumpy indifference to Ghomeshi for viewing pleasure. Don't scrub this beauty.
#11: The Family of Blood.
I heart Donna so much! I agree that we need more Donna-like characters that have their own inner strength and don't need the Doctor's constant validation to make them complete. I didn't like Martha either during her time as the main companion, too much neediness.
Oh my God, DONNA. Donna was THE BEST and I loved her so hard and I totally wanted to be her. Not even the whole Companion thing, I just loved her ballsy attitude combined with how sweet and emotional she could be, like with the Ood. When Donna was begging the Doctor not to wipe her memory, and he just kept saying "I'm…