
She’s saying it doesn’t have to and she’s right.

I keep chickens, and a few years ago a member of my husband’s extended family dropped off two chickens they’d bought for their children but couldn’t care for any longer. They were these sweet fluffy little Silkie chickens, who laid petite eggs. Never met sweeter-tempered chickens. Then a fox killed one in the

No worries. I costs me nothing to admit if I’m genuinely wrong about something, and you called me out on it with dignity. I gasped out loud, actually, when I realized what a jerk I was being, so again, I thank you.

I read that as a sort of common human reaction. These are always the kinds of things that happen to “other people.” “Other people,” “bad” people, do these kinds of acts- not ordinary average regular folks who we know. But it’s important to remember the banality of evil...

Yes, probably, and for now that seems like a good enough explanation. It’s my tin-foil showing a bit, for sure. But then, I’ve been refreshing my knowledge of authoritarian regimes lately, reading widely, learning new things and perhaps it all feels a bit too real.

well put.

I’m starting to be a little concerned for the Obamas. I know he issued a statement earlier today but it seemed weird to me, and I haven’t found much about what he’s been up to since the inauguration besides generalized news stories... But no TMZ golf course photos, nothing?

Thank you for pointing out my laziness and false equivalency of a common German appellation with Nazism. It is noted and I won’t call him that anymore.

I agree, except for the part of me that is still disgusted over the “Let Them Eat Diamonds” photoshoot for Mexican Vanity Fair.

Thomas Cromwell was Henry VIII’s chief government minister, who helped him facilitate the historic break from the catholic church in England. He helped Henry install himself as the head of a new Church Of England. The reform had been some time coming, but the upshot was that Henry could then get a legal divorce from

The list was taken from a categorized list of countries that were potential security threats, created by the Obama administration. Obama didn’t exactly leave a note behind in the oval office saying “Hey Drumpfire, could you go ahead and ban everyone from these countries entering our borders? I was so busy pardoning

I am the same. My family is very politically diverse, and even if they’re wrong, I love them and know they think they are doing what’s right. So I try not to stir the shit, especially for the sake of the middle of the road types... But that’s done now, I’m being polite and fact-checked and unrelenting in my posting

The skin can be hard, especially when shimmer is desired...

Ah, that’s ok. It’s tough out there right now. Yesterday, I got up and read the news over coffee as is my usual habit, and cried into my coffee for hours. Everything that’s happening is hard to process.

Yeah me too. Or do you mean me? Tone is hard to read online.

Yup. I hate saying or typing Herr Drumpf’s actual title, too, but then sometimes I worry we are giving him too much power doing that... Exactly as in Harry Potter with He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named.

Thank you. I have thought about this constantly.

Tweeting while Rome burns.

You and about 100,000,000 other people in the queue behind you.

You got my vote.