Things will only get more hopeless, especially if we allow ourselves to be complicit with assembling the scaffolding of tyranny. We have to push now, and keep pushing, and refuse to comply.
Things will only get more hopeless, especially if we allow ourselves to be complicit with assembling the scaffolding of tyranny. We have to push now, and keep pushing, and refuse to comply.
I still wonder about that. Like, ok, sure, he won’t have a stylist. But surely, surely his WIFE or his daughter perhaps could do something about it? Surely. It’s just so bad. We can’t fix what a hideous person he is, but at least he could be easier to look at...
About that shrinking half... From your fingertips to the Grim Reaper’s To-Do list...
I don’t think he could get the military to actually do that. Issue the orders, yes, but when it came down to it, I don’t think it would work that way.
Worked for Berlin...
I agree. I think it would be difficult to convince young Americans and Californians to harm each other. I know a fair few active service people, deeply conservative, but I could see them balking at this. Perhaps not, or perhaps Drumpf would go all “Terror from the clear blue sky” and enact drone warfare on…
End of the World Flash Video showed me that immigrating to Australia ten years ago was definitely the safest bet in terms of nuclear war. ;) Oldie but goodie.
They’d go after the marijuana. Crack the fuck down.
Exactly. And the article said that seceding is the opposite of progressism, leaving the rest of the USA to crumble under tyranny or whatever. But I don’t see it like that. I see it as California being a sanctuary of progressivism, keeping it alive and providing a safe space for those who are horrified by the state…
That’s interesting, I like that.
Occupy International airports. It’s starting in JFK, I think we could probably get it going everywhere. Occupy the fuck out of them.
laws of escalation say first bag with note, then windshield. Use gloves.
irrelevant but funny: I read that as “fondling jesus folks”.
Such a great movie.
I totally thought you meant the Carters, as in Beyonce and Jay-Z, and were being sarcastic. :)
I can’t think there’s any other reason for these statute of limitation laws except they were written by men, to protect men. Sigh.
Yeah. And even being in that situation, without even the dignity of some clothes, would be beyond terrifying. I can’t believe the assholes here who can’t empathize with that very upsetting situation.
She jelly.
....and she is widely regarded as one of the most beautiful women in the world, and she was basically naked.
Yeah. :( Pisses me off even more because the EC was only put into place to placate the southern merchants-in-human-flesh to head off the Civil War. Like, how is it even remotely still a thing that’s in place, given its roots? Burn it all I say.