I’m not trying to be pendantic, just curious about the 80,000? I thought Hilary won by over 3,000,000 votes? Or do you mean those are the vote differences in the crucial states she “lost”?
I’m not trying to be pendantic, just curious about the 80,000? I thought Hilary won by over 3,000,000 votes? Or do you mean those are the vote differences in the crucial states she “lost”?
So.. “at some point.” Could that point be the election of Obama?
She spent three months in almost complete isolation and off social media. I fail to see how that’s her “milking it for sympathy.” Ffs.
Omg. I took spanish, my mother speaks spanish (we’re white, she does social work with latin american immigrants), and I dated a Spainard. I knew Joder and a slew of others but somehow I missed “pinche” meant that. So all the times my mother muttered to herself “pinche la” when I was a teen, she was saying “fuck…
That’s how I picture it. As signalling in the workplace, not meant for Trump himself to see/get/feel the burn. As if he would.
Obama is a good leader and President of Shade forever.
Thank. You.
Well, women like you throw shit on women for wearing makeup. Like my mother in law. Like the local postmistress who took a dislike to me from the beginning for my manicures and the fact I put lipstick on before gong out. Like my friends who watch me put my makeup on with their eyes wide in barely concealed contempt…
You’re right, re: history. It’s only just started,
And I bet they deeply, deeply respect you for it.... /s
Yes, exactly. I was struggling to articulate it, but you said it just right.
Youthful-looking 32 year old here, and it bugs me greatly too. I get that he was maybe feeling all upset and fatherly, but I really deeply dislike the “girl” rhetoric as applied to women. It’s so reductive, even (especially?) in this case. A very hideous and unthinkable trauma was visited on a grown woman. We…
Basically. My toddler was walking next to me on the sidewalk.. But right up until I tugged back, it was all nicey grandpa, gently does it. He made me feel very rude for refusing.
I would have killed him right there with my bare hands, in that moment if he had kept going. Husband actually apologized to me, he’d been chiding me for being so paranoid and not trusting that nice people live in the world. The weirdest part was how very scarce that guy made himself after that, I literally never saw…
I had an out of work Peruvian civil engineer über driver last week. A good friend of his was Hilary’s hairdresser in DC for most of the nineties. He told us she was definitely, definitely a lesbian... But not told in a salacious way, or a mean way, just as a hidden fact. I wouldn’t be surprised/care....
Trust your gut but don’t make accusations. Just never leave your kid (eventual kid(s)) alone with him.
Right? And it pisses me off to no end that the parents are making this all about bullying, with zero self reflection. It only takes a second to pull a trigger and end it all. Poor sweet girl.
This happens to me. Give it a few years, check in on her from time to time, and you’ll get your lunches back.
When I discover a friend is going to have a baby, I sorta write them off as a friend for a few years. Not that I ignore them, not that I don’t visit and check in and coo over the baby, but I know they won’t be available for fun/caring about my life much for a few years. And that’s ok.
I think your extreme defensiveness to a very mild comment is more telling and carries a lot more projection than what I said. I work with a lot of plus sized women in my job, I am a professional dressmaker and take a simple pure joy in making women of all shapes and sizes feel beautiful.