Part of me kinda wants to see what this “darkest timeline” would look like. The other part of me has faith that the majority of the American public has a lick of sense...
Part of me kinda wants to see what this “darkest timeline” would look like. The other part of me has faith that the majority of the American public has a lick of sense...
These women are very rare and the exception. Comments like yours make it feel ok for people to be lazy and eat crap and just say their bodies are stubborn. It’s akin to the old “hypotension” excuse.
....yes, but also pretty understandable. My father was a predator and it only came out in my teen years. For many years afterward my mother (who was a piece of work in her own right), convinced herself and others that all of their children together weren’t actually his. We are. We got tired of the harassment from…
I grew up rural in poverty then as a teen moved to a very wealthy oil money neighbourhood in Houston to live with relatives. The shift was insane, especially when I’d be sitting around in a huge house with every amenity, a driveway full of big expensive cars, the people have every opportunity and privilege and all…
I’m sorry for your loss. Yes, it was a very very undignified end. His wife and I are both glad he died in a beautiful place, with a laugh on his lips.
thank you. I keep wanting to go back and fix punctuation and repetitive word choices, always a perfectionist.. ;)
It’s lovely. We have land nearby and are in the process of building our own little homestead/organic citrus orchard and we joke that this big decaying mansion is our “yurt.”
I should have added that the downstairs room was Bob’s sacred space. He had all his music gear and a stage set up down there and would often invite friends over for music and drinks and cameraderie. But he really, really hated anyone to be in there if he wasn’t around.
This isn’t exactly scary, as it is pretty weird and a little sad and paranormal. It’s also kinda long, but it really happened to me this year.
This is the story I tell when I tell scary stories. There’s several of the same ilk this year- like the one about Jim....
Holy shit. Jim is scarier than a ghost. These are the stories I come here for every year. (Like “Look At Me”)
It’s got to be at least in part from the comparison to Trump. It’s like the brides with ugly bridesmaids effect.
Yep. I always brazened it out but that’s my personality. I knew heaps of ppl who sewed Canadian flags to their backpacks. Mine has a Texas flag. ;)
I traveled a lot as a student in the bush years. I kid you not, people would hear my accent and make a beeline toward me to get in my face about the wars/Bush. As if I were personally responsible. (This happened most in Europe. In North Afruca and the Levant, people were really friendly and curious about my…
Omg can you escape? Should we send help?
My extended family are republicans, some going back to just after ww2. They are also very Christian, most of them devout and honest ones. They are almost all beyond disgusted with Trump and how gross he is, how vile, how he’s dragged down the political debate so it looks like a parody of a South Park episode. But they…
There’s something of a Jimmy Savileflavor about Trump. The untouchability. I can’t quite put my finger on it but it bugs me to no end.
Agreed. Which is why judging on behavior is so problematic, and why I have this weird fear.
I’m an aspie and you may be right. My reactions are seldom what’s expected, and when things are really getting hairy I often just freeze. It looks from the outside like I’m being cold/stoic, but inside I’m confused and can’t find any words. A couple of years ago my boss was losing her shit all over me, it started out…
This is an obscure fear of mine. That one day shit will get weird/tragic, and I’ll be judged on my reactions. My reactions are almost never “appropriate”. The Italian press would shred me.