GASP! That was supposed to be our secret! I don’t follow MEN on twitter dammit.
GASP! That was supposed to be our secret! I don’t follow MEN on twitter dammit.
As a psychologist, I fully appreciate your skepticism of evo-psych (although I do think it’s legitimate a small percentage of the time). This research seems more like evolutionary bio than psych though, since the focus is entirely on the genetic benefits of sexual selection rather than how said selection explains much…
Agreed. Applying animal instinct to human behavior leads to bullshit like all men naturally should cheat because competition, rape is normal because breeding imperative, and ladies should be pretty to get male attention because natural selection. Free will, motherfuckers. We evolved for a reason. Well, several, really.
It’s all about the peen amirite?
I read the first few Outlander books years ago, so vaguely remembered what was coming. (In the book, IIRC, Jamie tells Claire about what happened, but that wouldn’t have made for very compelling tv.) It occurred to me that we so rarely (if ever?) see situations on tv or in movies where a man experiences sexual trauma…
This actually happened to someone I know. If it’s like her case, it’s a combo of
People get pregnant while using birth control all the time. As sex educators always say “No method is 100% effective.”
Please please please do more Hysterical Man reviews!!
I think that’s the most satisfying rape joke I’ve ever read. Well done.
THIS is how you tell a rape joke.
Thank you for explaining this. But what on earth could the conditions be? THAT HE NOT RAPE ANYONE ELSE?! (Sorry - not yelling at you; yelling at unfairness of universe)
I hate to say it, but I feel like I’ve been conditioned to be happy that anyone get any time when it comes to these type of situations. That’s obliviously not a good thing big picture, but I am happy they at least nailed him for something, and he didn’t just walk.
Yes, I am confused at this too. Wasn’t there just a case where a woman who was drunk driving got over a decade? I get his victims are alive, but it seems he meant to rape them, so how did he get barely over a year here?
Someone please explain this legalese to me: why were eight of his years suspended? What does this mean? That he’ll never have to serve that time?
I also think it’s common for men not to be very romantic toward their new wives in this universe. It seems like the main function of marriage is to consolidate power by producing heirs, so couples don’t love or even know each other and the consummation is perfunctory at best. I’m thinking back to Dany’s wedding night…
I think I’d rather watch the Red Wedding, Oberyn’s death and Ned Stark’s beheading all together in a row multiple times than watch last night’s last scene ever again in life. I sat there and I was just praying...PRAYING for something to save her. Maybe Littlefinger would suddenly discover teleportation! Maybe Stannis…
It does have to be said that if you judge your scenes entirely on how great the clothes you get to wear are, which is what I’m 100% confident I would do as an actor, that dress was on point.