Perry Downing


Whales sound a lot like Italian men.

The fact that we are imprisoning these social animals in godamn concrete bathtubs so they can do tricks sickens me. Time to free all captive animals from our man-made prisons and concentrate on conservation.

The more I read about certain animals, like whales, elephants, crows, octopuses (etc, etc), the more it pains me that they're so threatened by humans. Why can't we just get our population down to a reasonable and supportable number and let these animals live?

With all due respect (and I say this as a white presenting mixed race woman), Maya Rudolph does benefit from a certain amount of white privilege. It's not that she isn't black, obviously she is, but it's not exactly fair to compare her with Ellen Cleghorne.

Love it. And she is obviously too smart and funny for SNL, anyway.

This was awesome!

yup, sounds about right.

This is perfect in every way.

Gauntlet. Thrown.
Damn, I love me some Nyima. She's always wonderful on Whose Line.

I will watch the shit out of this.

I am morbidly fascinated by the idea of what their sex life must be like. On the one hand, they have 19 children. On the other hand, they are puritanical wackos. So my theory is that they are either super kinky secretly, or that they've had boring missionary sex exactly those 19 times, she has never experienced an

Oh, Jim Bob.

Pretty big talk coming from someone whose only claim to fame is based on having a fuckload of sex.

I would love to laugh out loud (and god help me, I am holding back a guffaw right now), but those people are dangerous. They put out these radical, inane, completely false and idiotic comments, but someone is always listening. We sit back satisfied at his boneheadedness, but in a few years when a hot button topic

Yeah, my cousin who calls abortion "murder" tried to corner me about the Gosnell case, and I think I ruined our chance of ever having a polite conversation again because I said, "Wait, I know why I'm horrified by the Gosnell story, because I think that there's a real difference between abortion and murdering children,

"I have a pregnancy fetish SO YOU SHOULD TOO!"

These people are so full of crap. If they really equated a fetus to a person, then they would be in front of an abortion clinic this very second trying like holy hell to get in there and stop the "killing." But they don't. Because, like I said, they are full of crap. It's not about babies. This is about

And not one of them has suffered any anxiety about the source of their income, their groceries, or any number of other things they willfully deprived their constituents.

Cool story, bros.