One particular term originated from the nickname I received as a pledge, which was “4th Grade Rape Bait” due to my youthful looks and the connotation of what may happen to someone like me in prison.
One particular term originated from the nickname I received as a pledge, which was “4th Grade Rape Bait” due to my youthful looks and the connotation of what may happen to someone like me in prison.
Perfect gif response!
Laura, you are the Queen of Squee here on Jezebel. You find the best vids ever. I bow to you.
I know, right. Imagine you or I made a mistake or two in our lives. We'd have to be monitored forever - and who wants that?!
I think there's a difference between an excuse and an explanation. He's not trying to excuse his behavior by writing it off as satire; he's simply stating that the intention was satire initially.
I'm with you on this I was expecting to be very upset but am happy to see that he took responsibility and did what he could to fix the issue. If only more people were like this...
Satire is a lame excuse, but his apology is so sincere I'd love to see the world embrace it.
Real apologies are so rare, these days - and from a student. Good for him. Now let's watch him put his promises to action.
Does it? Apologies written by lawyers tend to be brief and weasel-worded. (Hence, the "...may have offended" clause, which is a nonadmission of guilt.) This is long and detailed and explicitly admits wrongdoing.
I approve of this bro. Good job, bro. For realz.
or the "I apologize to anyone I MAY HAVE offended."
Someone called?
The cynic in me thinks that those PR flacks will continue to take the "sorry that you were offended by my joke" route.
That is a damn fine apology. And now the cynic in me is just waiting to see PR people use this as a template for when their precious little actors/actresses/ musicians/ pro-athletes/ politicians get into trouble.
I. . . actually believe this apology. I find myself actually a bit moved.