Perry Downing

Someday I want to write a book called "How the Holocaust is All America's Fault".

It was so very good, and horrible. It did a masterful job of showing how messed up it is when anyone has too much power.

I had nightmares for weeks after this. My father taking me to this movie nearly got my mom to take him to court to revise the custody agreement.

That was a fascinating read, thank you for posting the link.

And that's why I love io9!

Honestly, it's just that 'hippie' has come to mean one is rather lazy or has questionable judgement. So the folks who still adhere to a more open and questioning place have gone to ... Higher? Ground.

You are so right in your no-ness.

We prefer 'Earth Mama'. ;)

This is why I've always said that if some crazy powerful entity told me I had to be Christian right now, I would go catholic. Somehow, through 2,000 years, this faith has maintained it's knowledge of the fundamental truth of humanity. There is a love and acceptance there I've never been able to quite square with the

As someone who has worked for non-profits most of their life, I am deeply conflicted. We pander to the wealthy for their crumbs. Sometimes I wonder if every non-profit worker put their passion and effort into lobbying the government to get this shit done ... would that be better? It feels, in a way, that the whole

I see what you're saying and essentially agree with you. I personally only find it noteworthy because it was a curiosity. Though, 500 years ago any educated person would have known Latin, so I'm not sure it was quite that isolated.

Of course, that is how the language evolved. Montaigne was simply the last to be raised speaking actual Latin as opposed to it's child languages.

Reminds me of the last native Latin speaker. Michel de Montaigne, a tremendous thinker from 16th c France was raised speaking only Latin so that it would be his first language. His father made all the family and all of the servants only speak Latin to him. His father hoped that by ensuring Latin was his first language

Happy wife, happy life!

In culinary school they taught 1) Water as hot as you can stand it with regular soap for 20 seconds—two rounds of 'happy birthday,' and 2) Don't wear gloves unless you have a wound. The reasoning regarding gloves is that you wash your hands more often than yuu would change gloves because they give you a false sense of

When I found out their philosophy was any human/animal relationship was inherently problematic, I decided that our ways had parted. An absolute answer is very rarely the answer.

There's an arrogance to the totality of their thinking that I just can't get behind.

I guess in just not seeing how honoring autonomy is any different than the Prime Directive. We like to say we handle this, but if we really did, fraternities would have been outlawed decades ago.

Not to put too fine a point on it, but we already allow groups of humans to govern themselves as they see fit, including most of what you've included. I think we'd handle this as well.

If no sanctuary, do we just put them down?