Perry Carter

A buddy of mine was a Captain in the Green Zone a few years before that, and he was there when the WWE came through to do a Tribute to the Troops. He said they were all supercool and really all about giving the soldiers a good day. My buddy is pretty short and some guys talke the undertaker into picking him up and

The only thing this story is missing is that dude was the drummer.

I read a bit of Hagar’s recollections of that tour; he said Dave was super-weird, and basically has no actual human personality beyond his ridiculous persona. (Side note: though I don’t really like any of his music, Sammy at least comes off as a relatively decent dude; I love that his main purposes in life are to chug

That is so perfect because — and you guys all need to star this so it gets seen — Meatloaf played the Australian Football League Grand Final in 2011 (at the time we all thought it was as awful an idea as you all reading this do, fuck knows who in the league office thought that he was the man of the hour), and

I worked the show he and sammy hagar did. I was Hagar’s Stripper Wrangler. There was a tent of strippers backstage that I was to a) insure no one bothered them and b) that they wore JUST the legal minimum when they brought him a drink between songs. Hagar was small and OLD and this was 2002-2004 era, but really nice

I’m not saying it’s not a good policy. Think we were all just taken aback by how abrupt it was.

I appeared on Jeopardy too. I can confirm: One autograph per day.

God, that sucks. That’s like the reverse image story my husband tells of going to see The Rolling Stones play (many years back). He said they started playing and were so clearly just going through the motions, and then the skies opened up and just poured on them. He said it was like the rain woke them out of their

I’m impressed that he remembered Diego’s name a few hours later!

Can’t really fault the guy for that — he’s probably be signing 100 a day when they’re trying to tape a show.

Third hand story so there is always a pretty good chance it’s false but I hope to God it’s not. That would have been funny as hell to see.

Fun fact, Scott Ian from Anthrax is Meatloaf’s son-in-law.

You can’t leave me hanging with the Diamond Dave story (though it’s not hard to imagine him being a dick, or how he would be one...).

I heard a story thirdhand from a Guitar Store employee in LA that Roth once walked in, talked shit about Eddie Van Halen without any prompting, then smoked a HUGE joint with said employee in the alley behind the store. Then they go to get pizza and the entire ride over Diamond Dave, is singing “I got it baaaaad,

my only add to this was when i attended The Daily Show taping just before Jon Stewart left. He was very entertaining at first, but as the Q&A went on, more and more people kept asking him uncomfortable questions about getting photos with him, ending with one dude coming across as a full on stalker to the point Stewart

I have another one. It’s not all that great.

This story both makes me incredibly happy and incredibly sad. Happy, because I FUCKING KNEW IT. And sad, because I fucking knew it.

He is Canadian.

I really want this story to be true.

I was on Jeopardy! once about two years ago. And Alex Trebek was cool enough to us and everyone but he’s all business and seen everything at this point. The studio audience is made up of shut-ins they bus out there, school classes on a field trip and friends/family of contestants. During breaks in play, Alex fields