
The point of hiring non-union workers seems to be strongly implied asnon-union workers could be bullied by the producers into taking actions that they knew would be unsafe, precisely because they knew that refusal would get them blacklisted from any other such jobs AND that they would likely be replaced in a matter

I get the impression that this is the bartending equivalent of adamantly refusing to serve steak “well done”, at least from the bartender’s perspective.

How does one go about experiencing ‘what a Margarita should be’? I ask out of genuine curiosity and ignorance.

People apparently love to fight over utterly meaningless differences...

I have it on decent authority that you should be careful where you dine when visiting Europe, then...
“They put mayonnaise on french fries, man...”

I completely ignore the spurious details and focus on the important questions: which is priced lower, and which is on sale while I’m shopping and have money? I’m about $1,500.00/month away from where I can afford to be ‘picky’ about which white goop I put on my cheese sandwiches with store-brand bread.

“Um... It sounds like English you’re talking, but I dunno what any of that means...”

There used to be an animated series called “Shorties Watching Shorties”. Basically took a stand-up routine (with permission from the original artist) and animated it. I would support a Kickstarter that turned these kids’ exchange into a few episodes...

I worked in the cafeteria at my high-school, which meant that I got to leave class about 20 minutes ahead of lunch to eat before everyone else, then I got to collect their money for food. Simple stuff, really...

With respect to #2, I’ll say that the last four to six years have left my wife and I somewhat lacking when it comes to certain “anti-clutter” tools like bookshelves and kitchen cabinets. And given my precarious financial situation, buying a single “Billy” bookcase from IKEA requires planning both for the cash and

There’s no way to avoid new words and phrases becoming popular within a particular cohort, especially in the Information Age. However, the value of a ‘translation guide’ such as this article remains somewhat finite; by the time the slang has ‘settled down’ to the point that such a list becomes viable, the ‘cool kids’


The United States of America has, thus far, refused to sign on with articles 22-28 of the United Nations’ Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Considering what those rights are, this surprises me not on the least.

Erm... Doesn’t that depend on, yanno, the toy itself?

Personally, I’m more a fan of a particularly forceful wave of the hand. It takes a bit of practice, of course, and the challenge level increases with the number of candles.

Dogfish Head’s SeaQuench Ale is how I want my summer beer drinking to begin and end. I’ll sample a couple of others to satisfy curiosity but SeaQuench is summer in a can for me.

Exactly. The supply of easily-manipulated and wholly-disposable fools will never dry up, because the previous generations of white-supremacist "elites" set the system up to create them and made absolutely certain that their successors understood the critical need to kerp the system as it is: "if genuine education

The degree of self-deception on display among the Trumpists remains fascinating. Despite a bookshelf-full of tell-all books by former ‘loyal insiders’ backing up a not-so-small library’s worth of public records on the Redcap In Chief’s treatment of his allies, the ones who have not yet been kicked to the wolves still

I’m starting to feel the urge to start speaking in Ye Olde Englishe in those situations where I interact with folks born after 9/11.