Perrier & a Joint

Cynthia's look appears to be showing a comical cartoon version of Valentinas typical blond looks, no?

High praise to Michael McKean for fleshing out a character so well that I actually put my hand over my mouth when I realized he was going to burn the place down.

you know its a good show when it generates this much discussion, it makes everyone want to express themselves.

There is an obvious stark contrast between the white male guard and the black female prisoner, one whom got off scot-free for his mistake (climbing the water tower, confessing to having weed) because of being a white guy, and the other who would have had a much greater chance of getting away with her mistake (having

How to embrace your white male privilege: 1) Accept you have it and that you will never actually know what its like to be another race or gender 2) Less pissed-off ranting 3) More Listening

Privilege is what happens when Caputo, a good guy, stands up for Bayley, a good guy, and doesn't realize he's shitting on Poussay, a good guy and black woman.

Writer Lauren Morelli has a good interview I read online that touches on the subtle racism she hopes people think about - ie Bayley pinning down Poussay for that long. It spills over into the finale so I won't link it yet.

Im calling it here. At some point, someone on this show will say "Billie, Gene is not my lover."

That "Ashanti" line …. im still laughing at it.

Theyre trying to squeeze Ginger into the plus-size winner role like a big girl into a corset and i dunno if that shits gonna hold ….