Oh please god, don’t let them breed.
Oh please god, don’t let them breed.
Laura Dern is not dating Bradley Cooper.
Gwyneth Paltrow was in the video for Melissa Etheridge’s ‘I Want To Come Over’.
What if Ellen dated this mystery woman before Brad, Angelina is openly bisexual.
And we wonder why survivors choose to stay silent.
Argle bargle Grrrrr! I couldn’t have coped with my sexual assault without the love and support my family gave me. This is a total betrayal of his daughter - that weird statement does nothing to prove that he does in fact love his daughter, just, yeah I love her so long as she doesn’t make waves that might…
I expect she has been aware that her dad is a complete piece of shit for a while, now. I doubt this was a surprise. It’s certainly not to me.
Domingo’s shitty behind the scenes behavior has been one of the big open secrets of the opera world for at least the last 3 decades. There are people who are clutching their pearls so hard that they’re practically punching themselves in the face, but most of the people who are actually in the business have seen this…
Nah, he may not appeal to you personally but lord, he’s plenty appealing.
“we failed to resolve [the incident] in a way that made either side feel supported,”
Filed to : One Direction
Nah man, I’m into him in spite of the 1D association. TBH, I didn’t really see him as attractive until he was a ‘grown up’, toward the end of the 1D run.
I’d say his look is generally appealing (he’s symmetrical, etc.) and his smile is very compelling, but he has to be seen in action to appreciate how attractive he is. Basically, his hot-ness is better communicated through video.
Fine, We can share him. Our boyfriend. Harry Styles.
When did The Face get resurrected? Nice to see it - and always nice to see Harry (though with the forthcoming album, I expect we’ll be seeing him everywhere for a while).
how is this a bowl cut? half the art boys in bushwick would like a word with you!
Jezebel cannot make Tim with two ‘e’s happen for me.