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Mileys new song reminded me of Silver Lining by First Aid Kit. Funny that the first minute of the First Aid Kit music video imagery is similar....

Can’t deny enjoying that Miley song but that video... yikes dawg. Pass.

Attacking a female artist in the industry about being a "slut" or using sexual favors to get ahead is so damn lazy. And also... So what if she did hook up with producers/DJs whatever? That doesn't mean it contributed to her success. I mean I'm no Cardi stan but Nicki hasn't put out good music in a minute. That Chun-Li

Still, Ryan said he thought “history is going to be very good to this majority” because of the tax overhaul passed under his leadership and increased funding for the military. He paused for effect, smiling like a Cheshire cat “That is, of course, because we’ll write the history, as we always have.”

Anyone else notice in the want ads “good vision?” As in, no glasses, Four-Eyes.

Great article! My mom worked for TWA when we were growing up,and I thought it was such a glamourous job. It’s a shame that the things mentioned in the article went on,and good to hear that things have improved drastically since then. I do remember her talking about the Renwick thing and thinking “but it’s her

Wow that is even more gross than I thought it would be.


This was interesting and discouraging. Interesting, because... well, history is interesting, and well-written history is doubly so. And discouraging because, when reading about the horrendous treatment in the early seventies, I thought, “oh my god, that was only thirty years ago,” before realizing, no, that was almost

Super interesting -  Thank you. Also, I’m a married to a prof who is very into public facing research work and I know that it is extra on top of what you do for your job - so thank you for taking the time to share your expertise with the public!

I had no idea! Thanks so much for this interesting article. I definitely need to check out that podcast now.

If you were a music critic who was writiong a think piece about why a musician’s career suddenly tanked and he abruptly retired after being given a major award and you tried to say “he quit because he was TOO POPULAR and it’s my fault because i MADE HIM THAT WAY!” then you’d be a shitty journalist. Just like this guy

My FIL went to high school with Steve, always said he was a huge asshole and as a result we didn’t eat at his restaurant all these years. When this article broke on WW, I sent him a copy and said once again your judgment was correct!  

This. Men do this. They turn to each other for solace, tell each other stories about themselves where the theme is a thoughtful man whose reasonable actions are misunderstood. The goal is validation and reinforcement so that they don’t have to grow up and face their demons. The reality, like here, is that there is

When a food critic goes to a restaurant to review it, yeah, it seems pretty unlikely they’re going to do a background check on the owners. However, this is talking about the post-review, post-closure “Author goes on a search for truth” article that came way, way after the review.

Thank you for this. I read the story in Thrillest and heard an NPR interview and it didn’t sit well with me. 

Same. No idea how I actually came across it, but now it’s just such a sorry piece of self indulgence like you said. This critic has his head so far up his ass he thinks he single handedly destroyed a restaurant that had stood for generations. Either that or he knew about all this shit and ignored it to suit his preset

Nah, his music is mostly terrible. Even the “good” songs sound like imitations of someone else’s work, and he has zero vocal charisma that even a Justin Bieber can manage to pull together.