
David out here still waiting for that pivot.

It’s not too late to turn the ship around. Point our ship toward a bright future for all. You can unite the country. Your soul will sing. Under great loving leadership, no one loses – everybody wins. It’s something I hope you think about and take to heart. All you need to do is treat all the people as you would like

That explanation did fuck all to improve matters. Lynch is delusional if he thinks Trump will unite country. Trump is the personification of The Jerry Springer Show and Reddit having a baby.

I personally didn’t see it as praising Trump but I did get a whiff of “wow, cool, let’s watch it burn.” Lynch didn’t seem to be bothered by what Trump is doing, but just admiring that he is getting away with it. I guess I expected more initial outrage first and then the amazement. But then, I admittedly did not read

Lynch is just another clinical narcissist who believes his own fucking myth. These douchebags need to be ignored.

Oh that jacket is lovely!

Harry Styles’ suits, man.  It’s equal parts my god he’s handsome in those suits, and my god I want to wear those suits.  Stunning!

I does incite my own passion for disruption, but my sort of disruption will be one they won’t welcome at all. This much I can promise. 

The bar wasn’t that high to begin with.

Really, truly, and for serious: it is only incredibly sheltered, spoiled people who “mistake” white-men-on-a-rampage, thinking only of themselves and taking advantage of every exception there is while leaving behind them a trail of ruin and despair their more competent social lessers will have to mop up for the next

“I put my fingers in my ears when grown-ups are talking, so that means nobody countered my mouth fart-noises.”

How do you forgot who you voted for in any Presidential election? But especially in 2016?


I’m sure he voted for Trump. But if his prediction doesn’t pan out, he can deny it. Like all those people who swear they never voted for Bush II.

He also said he can’t remember who he voted for in 2016. Fuck that guy (I say this as a former superfan).

Meghan always looks impeccable, no question, but I wouldn’t call her style iconic yet. I think she will be iconic for her royal looks in coming years in a way Kate won’t be able to be, though.

Good place as any- I started listening to 1D and Harry because of you and oddly enough- I don’t get (crippling) anxiety attacks while driving if I am listening to them. It has been a real life changer. I wouldn’t have predicted this at all based on my other listening favorites but there you go.

No one is able to counter this guy in an intelligent way.

What an idiot. When your money (and white/maleness)insulates you from any consequences to encroaching tyranny I guess it’s all just fun and games!