
“Hmmm. Misusing ICE is the only way I can get a boner.”

For the life of me cannot understand the “No Tears Left To Cry” drags. It’s a London club bop with gorgeous ‘90s diva vocals and the message is literally that you have cried yourself out and now need to pick yourself up and feel happiness again. I’m so glad it exists.

You are so right.

Thank you! We are begging the world to please step in to save these children.

This is an amazing statement. Thank you! As an American I wholeheartedly support foreigners putting pressure on their respective governments to censure the US for these disgraceful actions. I keep thinking of the terrified little blind boy being taken from his mother, and thinking about my own breastfeeding

Everybody is talking about how this is shameful to Americans. True, but a huge number of decent Americans are doing whatever they can to fight this evil. As a foreigner, I would like to approach it from another angle: this is shameful to the rest of the World, specially Western nations who claim to be “civilized”,

Concrete steps you can take:

One of our commenters posted this earlier.

This. I’ve tried to find it info and I can’t. Where are the fucking girls?

I saw this tweet and it captured my feelings. Why the fuck aren’t we hearing about the shelters for girls and babies? It makes me think the worst.

It’s official: Yoga at lé Louvre is the hottest thing in the 1st arrondissement skrrrrt!

seeing people going wild that Beyonce is rapping, as if that doesn’t require like .01% of her massive skillset to pull off lol

Jeff Sessions is an evil man.

You know how we saw the pictures from that boy’s facility? Where is the girl equivalent of that? I’m horrified for what that must be like.

Remember all the people screaming about how Obama was going to round up people and put them in FEMA camps? Well now it’s really happening, and it happening to children. Where are all the conspiracy theorists now? Out buying new MAGA hats and assault rifles is my guess.


“I’m sort of just stayin’ up like a ship!”

How many times can he possibly pull a “I don’t know her” for people he hired?

This is my beef with Gisele. She always manages to be an asshole, even when the core of what she is saying isn’t that bad. I get the notion that you would not want to have the career and added social media pressure that these younger models have. But then you have to add the “older and wiser” comment, like they are