Didn’t he get into a car accident while being in a car late at night with a woman that wasn’t his wife at the time? It was insinuated they were going to do illicit things? Am I making this up? *googles*
Didn’t he get into a car accident while being in a car late at night with a woman that wasn’t his wife at the time? It was insinuated they were going to do illicit things? Am I making this up? *googles*
Most actors are incredibly fucked up people. We need to accept this.
I have seen Morgan Freeman interract with female fans so I can believe the CNN story. The step grand daughter thing is bs though. He basically maintained both her and her mother after the divorce and even gave them an apartment. She was very pretty and bubbly, and she wanted to get into showbiz. Honestly she had that…
Remember that as well. Theres very few guys Id be surprised about at this point. Because they genuinely seem *good* as opposed to *not a raging asshole*
Ah, yes. Car accident or something is how it first came to light, right? She was like early 20s/50 years younger?
Not related, but that poor fucking girl was ultimately stabbed to death in public by her boyfriend. May she rest in peace, and may Morgan burn in fucking hell.
I remember that too. She was later murdered as well. I don’t believe there was a connection though.
Oh he’s been basura.
I feel perfectly comfortable shunning enablers as well. You actually kinda have to.
Michael always thinks he’s the good one...but always proves he is not.
Bateman’s conflict avoidant mansplaining apologia is unfortunately super familiar to me. So is his humble heartfelt apology. And so is the part when a week, a month, a year from now he says or does some other shit that makes it perfectly clear he didn’t learn nearly as much from this as he’ll give himself credit for.
I fuck up a lot, so I have developed a pretty good apology strategy. Make a full throated apology. Don’t hedge, don’t minimize, own your mistake. Learn from your mistake.
Fuck Bateman and the rest of the AD dudes. They showed the world what they’re like when they’re together and how they dismiss and talk over their women coworkers. True colours.
“I was so busy maintaining the status quo that I forgot to remember that women matter.”
That choice was made when Bateman agreed to do the show with Tambor still onboard and when their PR people didn’t insist that harassment questions were off the table.
For gods sake assholes, you made jessica walter cry and you made her brush it off. Just go away with the bunch of you. Batemon, looking at you.
It will be amazing if Jessica Walters threatens to leave the show! they are literally telling her how she should feel when this obviously awful guy who was kicked out of another show yelled at her. Let’s all admit, that show wouldn’t be half as funny if Jessica Walters left.