
Let’s not rewrite history, the show was never highly rated.

This is really the only one of those Vogue shorts that matters:

Oh man just having Bingbing and Lupita on the red carpet together will keep me happy for months.

Exactly. I was saying to someone recently HR is not about helping employees, it’s about protecting a companies interests and protecting them from liability. The person I was discussing this with seemed to be of the opinion that companies are benevolent 🙄. Are you kidding me? Most big corps even look at deaths they

Cannot wait for my ballot to arrive.

HR does not protect employees. Anytime I have gone to HR they give you the spiel about wanting you to feel safe but they are focused on protecting the company, not the employee.

Seems to be going around. My husband works for Pixar and their head HR person is heading out at the end of this month. There were rumblings it may be because she protected Lasseter and turned a blind eye to complaints from staff about him. Of course, they down played that aspect in her public announcement, but it

As someone who works in corporate America, none of this is surprising. I have seen men far less powerful and profitable than Matt Lauer be protected. I can think of a recently retired employee here who had countless problems working with women—not sexual harassment but losing his temper, treating us like we were

Institutions investigating themselves are a waste of time.

I was thinking castration with a gardening implement, myself.

Bring back the guillotine.


Me: “Persky? The judge who gave Brock Turner that bullshit sentence? I can’t imagine any way I could dislike him more.”

Way to read the crowd and get back on the side of good public opinion you fucking motherfucking fuck.

Thank you, Professor Dauber.

I’m weirdly happy that Katy and Taylor are no longer feuding, even though I don’t really like either of them. John Mayer is just not worth it.

The Kardashian-Jenner man-picker is collectively broken, and they seem to only be with garbage humans and egomaniacs. Of COURSE Kylie wouldn’t sleep with Tim Chung—he’s an attractive professional man with no hugely messy and very public back story.

Taller Salud located in Loiza is another great organization working with women on the island in some of the most hard hit communities on the island and are also worth donating to 

Actually, no, it’s not. It’s actually saying that in a rape culture, even people who don’t rape in normal circumstances are more likely to rape—and do other violence—when they’re under massive strain, because ultimately we haven’t created enough of an internalized, lived belief that sexualized violence is never

The Republican solution to any problem that can’t be bombed: stop collecting the data that identified it as a problem. They learned it from playing peak-a-boo.