I think it was that JC always looked like a chiseled adult man. Our teen and tween brains couldn’t handle it. Too much hotness. Accessible vanilla blond hair blue eyed JT was more in our adolescent understanding of sexuality.
I think it was that JC always looked like a chiseled adult man. Our teen and tween brains couldn’t handle it. Too much hotness. Accessible vanilla blond hair blue eyed JT was more in our adolescent understanding of sexuality.
I’m always here for music videos that include a drumline.
Yes, yes he was. My eight-year-old self is VINDICATED, and she will accept tribute for her awesome judgment in the form of gel pens, Lisa Frank notebooks, and American Girl books.
I ALWAYS SAY TO MY SISTER, “Justin fucking stole JC’s life.”
Ahhhhhhhh!!!! I forgot about how much I loved this song!
He was also the best judge on America’s Best Dance Crew.
I don’t get the hate. When I saw his hair I was super envious. Its got volume, its thick, and those are some great waves. Men with good hair should grow it out and bless the world with the awesomeness.
He was, yes.
I feel very personally attacked right now.
I’m going to be completely honest, the long hair was really doing it for me yesterday. I literally texted my brother “Wait, was JC always the hottest?” as soon as I saw him on stage.
Poor JC. Justin Timberlake got the career he deserved. He was a much better singer. Also, he over did it with the black hair dye. It’s looking a little Criss Angelish.
I watched every minute of that very long conspiracy video on FB and I don’t regret it a bit!
His lips numb me into submission.
She’s not fooling anybody. She’s totally writing Ellie Elgort all over her Trapper Keeper.