
Those kids have parents spending thousands on tutors and the like, their kids will be fine. The argument you’re making didn’t work in Little Rock (seriously, they said the exact same thing, check the comments here), and they won’t work now.

Ay, pobrecita racista pendeja.

The thing is people usually don’t care about undocumented immigrants and that is why these things happen, you can see how many comments and likes have an article about a hippo and how many comments and likes or stars or whatever this article is going to get.

The looks they share. Everything. Just everything.

crop that down to just Angela’s reaction shot for a A+ gif. Crop Taraji’s for a A++. Combined the two are priceless.

So... why ask? Because they’re both black?

I don’t know how half the shit these bastards pull isn’t illegal. Saying ICE is America’s Gestapo isn’t even an exaggeration. Fuck every last one of them.

Poor Karen. Overlooking the simplest solution to her angst. Stop acting like racist thugs, we will stop calling you racist thugs.

Bitch probably doesn’t use seasoning on her potato salad either.

How does ICE get the police info?

HAHAHA from the comments of the Miranda Lambert story:

I just want to say that I read this. You lived it and survived it and I believe that everytime we tell our stories they weigh us down a little less. Wishing you a light heart and a healthy life.

Fuck that and Fuck him.

You do a good service every time you speak on what you just did. Speaking only for myself I’d say while I appreciate your offer to allow yourself to be a punching bag for women who want to vent, as someone who has been sexually assaulted I don’t want to take it out on you or anyone who isn’t the man responsible for

i thought it was a gray area when my ex-fiancee told me that if i was asleep and “looking sexy” that he had a right to my body.

From the quotes, it seems like for her the gray area was that the perpetrator was someone she was in a relationship, rather than a random attacker. It’s unfortunately pretty easy to not see that you can be raped/assaulted by someone you’re in a relationship with. But it looks like she doesn’t consider it a gray area

I’ve seen her do this bit in person and it’s amazing. She points to the ladies in the audience and is like “we’ve all been graped, right ladies?” and you just hear every woman in the room like “yyyyyyup.” And then she let’s it sit for a second and says something to the dudes. I don’t remember what exactly she said,

I had consensual sex with the guy who raped me. I didn’t want to admit to myself that the dude I thought was a great guy was a rapist. And I bought his weak excuse, because I wanted to believe he was a great guy. Women don’t want bad guys, we want good guys. We want good guys so much, we’ll try to convince ourselves