
Dear Tony Robbins:

lol, my god we are doomed. there are literally thousands of people there! Didnt this guy jump the shark back in the 90s? Didnt he get attendees burnt to a crisp by having them walk over hot coals years ago?

“I watch in awe as more and more women all over the world find their voice and stand up and speak out.”

It’s an abdication of responsibility, both as an individual and as society. If victims should just get over their hurt by themselves, then no one else has to lift a finger to correct their own behaviour or be empathetic towards the unfortunate.

All motivational speakers are full of shit. Every one, no exceptions. This guy is just Joel Osteen without the Jesus.

Yes! Also, clock his assumption that only attractive woman can be harassed.

Not only that, but who in the fuck *wants* to be known as the person who was raped/harassed/assaulted by a famous person? That’s not a title people aspire to. Fuck him.

This just in: Domineering creep acts like a domineering creep.

Of course- women report the crimes committed against them to no avail, toward their detriment in seeking jobs in the future when their cases are publicized enough...not so much so that their predator is fired but enough so that future employers know they will not tolerate sexual harassment.

Courtesy is nice, too. When you are a survivor of abuse and seethe with rage over crap like this, you may not turn into the perfect writer.

The idea that being a victim or “victimhood” as something to be ashamed of is so completely ass backwards and is, of course, another way to perpetuate victimization by robbing those who have suffered of the ability to name the wrong done to them. By definition one becomes a victim because someone else chooses to harm

I always get pissed off about these types of motivational speakers that view any type of externalization of blame as “victimhood” or “blaming others.” It always reads, to me, like what they’re trying to do is guilt you and make you dislike yourself so that you’ll buy their next book/attend their next seminar on how to

F this guy. Seriously. Your boy can’t hire a women because she’s too pretty and he thinks she’ll sue him for harassment? Maybe don’t be a lecherous creepy boss. Problem solved.

I will always love Felicity (just like I will always have a crush on Scott Speedman), but the last few episodes kind of ruined it for me, and forever made me skeptical of JJ Abrams.

I need to feel good about my vote, and she hasn’t earned it.

“I just don’t like her”

Hillary is so bad you guys, can’t vote for her.

Wait what? I thought everyone who wrote for Jez was a Cannibal Witch. I in the right place?

I swear i’ve had lots of cannibal/witch based conversations on here in the past. You, know...just standard eating babies, liberal nonsense. This is confusing for myself and my fellow (assumed cannibal witch) commentors.

That’s fine. If Jezebel wants to keep supporting the closed minded and oppressive lobby of people who think we should not, as a society, eat children, it’s clear that there’s really no room for actual debate here . But I would ask you to consider, dear reader, that maybe, just maybe, there *might* be two sides to

This is typical of Commie pinko islamofascist LIEberal fake news outlets like Jezebel to censor the free speech of a great thinker like Cannibal Witch just because she doesn’t follow the approved gluten-free vegan diet LIEberal love so much. You refused to even give her a chance to prove herself before you gave in to