FWIW, this is not a condition common among black men only. It’s common among all men, every race, every ethnicity, every religion, every skin color, every nationality.
FWIW, this is not a condition common among black men only. It’s common among all men, every race, every ethnicity, every religion, every skin color, every nationality.
I think the things people are taught about woman’s role and how we’re supposed to behave has also played a major role in domestic violence. Generations of men have been taught that marrying/sleeping with a woman= owning her and that we’re supposed to be meek and submissive to them at all times. That’s a recipe for a…
Thank you for this important piece, and especially for putting it out there as a man. Things seem to be shifting, but it’s still easier for men to hear this from other men than from women.
This is why the black asiatic man needs to be careful in TRAINING their females. We will never reach ecomi...
Basically, yes. That’s exactly what they are doing in Seattle. A judge puts in a court order to confiscate all guns in the person’s possession. The police are literally knocking on the person’s door and ask anyone in the home to surrender the person’s guns. Apparently it’s been quite successful:
“...are invested in a system that requires women to be devalued...”
I read this in a dental chair getting new repair work on the teeth that were knocked out by a man over 30 years ago. How badly were you affected is truth.
No snark, but I honestly don’t know why this would be shocking. The same culture that teaches men to hate women also teaches women to hate women.
And she no longer has to pretend Kevin James is funny!
And saves the lives of police officers. I’m in a police bagpipe band. Probably half of the LOD deaths we’ve been at have had something to do with someone with a domestic violence history (or were actively committing it at the time). So all the Blue Lives Matter folks should be thrilled, right? Right?
Also, in New York, we have the IDC, a group of State Senators elected as Democrats who joined with Republicans to block progressive legislation (and take a ton of money in “contributions”). There would be a lot more common sense reforms without the IDC.
Please, I implore you, if you live in New York, familiarize yourself with the IDC. The IDC is a group of State Senators elected as Democrats who caucus with Republicans, giving the Republicans control of the State Senate and blocking nearly every piece of progressive legislation from passing, including more strident…
Especially heroin! My cousin who keeps getting revived from Narcan surely hasn’t tried this yet!
Damn, that’s a shame. Those abusive spouses would have been essential if we ever needed to revolt against a tyrannical government. Their belligerence would have undoubtedly turned the table on the vastly better armed and trained military forces they’d be up against.
I admit that this sounds like a good combo to cure most ailments.
Reasonable, responsible gun control.
As bad as this kid and his family are, the attorney did his job (and likely set back justice as few years, but I digress.)
Didn’t she say that addicts should eat ice cream instead of doing drugs? Good plan there Kellyanne.
I love the hippopotamus song tooooooo