
lol @ Jebward. I wonder what actual Jedward is up to now that Eurovisions done anyway.

Is it just me or does like half of OneDirection look exactly the same.

That ladies yoga class should help with any muscle soreness.


Omfg ded

I am so Lorraine it hurts.

This is the best wormhole I’ve been down in a very long time. Thank you.

Well apparently someone is already working some conjure on her, got her looking like she 44...

Now playing

I LOVE the new songs, and I’m so excited to see him on tour this summer.

How the hell does this not have more stars? This is one of the funniest things I’ve ever read.

this is 1000000% accurate and true

This is amazing and you deserve all the stars for sharing it

My privacy

Congrats to you. And can we all agree this newest era of hair and sharp suits is the best of the Harry versions?

The only people who are into this is other mediocre whites. Unfortunately, other mediocre whites comprise the majority of our population. They can totally ‘relate’ to TS and this is why she’s a “superstar”.

mazel, my love!

my face seeing all the new harry concert pics and vids and hearing the new songs

It’s true. If I see a Styles article on Jez, I think of you. You’ve done it! Now, get that glitter suit and live your best life.

I got you.

If someone were to beat the living shit out of this bitch I wouldn’t feel bad about it AT ALL.