“OAUS” ... Olympic Athletes of United States.
“OAUS” ... Olympic Athletes of United States.
Agreed. The window of opportunity for female gymnasts to have their shot at the Olympics is so ridiculously tiny, that to tell the athletes they can’t compete because the organization is being (rightly) punished would be unfair.
After all this time, they remain unwilling to conduct a full investigation
Go get ‘em, Aly! I hope others (literally) follow suit!
YES, ALY! Burn those accomplices to the ground!
As she should, they knew he was a child molester and covered for him for years.
I had a shittastic week at work thanks to men. I wish they were releasing Season 2 today so I could pour myself some hard liquor and watch her kick ass.
She seems, by all accounts, to be one of those people who has talent, got lucky, and doesn’t take for granted her position. I dig her.
I love everything she has done, including that dog rug.
All it would take is for people to stop clicking and commenting on Kardashian articles.
Okay this video. They raided the costume closet from the Disney Channel Original Movie Zenon: Girl of the 21st century and then just had her rock from side to side for 3 minutes. They showed Make Me Feel to the video producers who brought you Kids Bop and said have at it. They brought that Too Faced Coachella unicorn…
Cool, cool. So, did everyone who knew what Weinstein was doing and either looked the other way, covered it up or actively participated ALSO have bad moms? Can we just blame everyone’s mothers? That would be super convenient.
Men act like they’re the only ones who get “friend-zoned,” or rejected by the opposite sex. Like they’re the only ones who have ever been mistreated or had shitty parents. Guess what asshole? It’s happens to everyone. Most of us don’t forget how to be human beings as a result.
Remember when Harvey and his brother wrote this loving essay about their father for Vanity Fair years ago, and posed with their mom for the story: https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2003/04/max-weinstein-200304
So this was co-authored by Stephen Galloway? This Stephen Galloway?
why Weinstein became a serial abuser.
“It’s a narrative that disperses responsibility from the abuser, directing it instead to the women who refused gendered kindness—mothers or potential romantic partners—suggesting that they are responsible for the making of a monster.”
Pretty much. Oh, wait... actually, no. Then, we would still be reading about how he abused women, because: His mother demonstrated to him that it was okay to treat women that way, since she didn’t leave.
This article is so fucking right. After reading the Hollywood reporter article I was like my mom sucks too but I’m not a rapist or bully. Men need to own up to their shit and heal not abuse others. Like fuck off.