Those idiots should be put on trial for abusing copyright XD
Here, check this page out, it explains in exhaustive detail why PC’s are better devices to game on than modern consoles. Assuming of course then you are genuinely interested in becoming informed. It generally boils down to the concept that PC Gamers (except for a minority) do not believe they are superior to console…
It’s pretty easy to notice screen tearing.
It’s like... a joke man, and seemingly very relevant given the context of a bald man with hair textures on and the tone of Fahey’s whole post. Your tone is rather insecure though. You must play on consoles.
This is just in response to certain PC fanboys who exaggerate the differences between PC and console games on a ridiculous level.
Rather than coming off as a ‘HaHa gotcha’ comment, it just sounds like someone’s butthurt about the differences bewteen platforms.
You’re forgetting the greatest PC advantage - MODs
Glad they were able to say that, I don't understand why people watch streams of random people. Twitch has no use for me personally, and don't think there are any competitive like games on wii u that would need there to be streaming.
Who clicks on a page about a spoiler to a movie they are planning to see? and then gets mad at the author?