Only 100,001 more lynchings, sovereign citizens standoffs, federal building bombings, abortion clinic/minority church murders and it will be a tie!
Only 100,001 more lynchings, sovereign citizens standoffs, federal building bombings, abortion clinic/minority church murders and it will be a tie!
You “had” to find out about breaking news from a major international news agency? I’m sorry, I think your outrageometer is broken.
I don’t doubt that the Dallas shootings will be covered by Jezebel, but this particular article is an almost-live update on Philando Castilo, not an in-depth analysis of the current state of gun violence, racial profiling, and police brutality in America. If it were I do not doubt that the Dallas shootings would be…
Cops started this war. If they don’t want to die maybe they shouldn’t kill Black people for no fucking reason. Maybe they should show up and renounce these events. Maybe they should fucking try to understand the communities they’re supposed to protect instead of suppressing them by literally killing them off.
A police officer is hired knowing that he/she will face dangerous situations. You are basically saying that by just being black, one should live with and accept the fact that the police WILL SHOOT YOU TO DEATH WITHOUT REASON? You’re a tone deaf racist scumbag. So many of you meatbags out there....
Well those people are racist assholes, obviously. You can call out people for their racism, without bringing in to it the issue of animal rights activism. Why does any life have to be devalued by comparison? Animal rights activism is a legitimate and important social cause, and unless there are specific people she…
Ooof. So basically, “Why is okay for dumpy, fat Lena to be nude but someone hot like me can’t do it without being called a slut?” Non-traditionally attractive people aren’t sexual? I mean, love the confidence but you don’t need to drag someone else down to get there.
I’m tired of people, especially celebrities with a huge platform, complaining that people were outraged about a gorilla being shot and killed, and drawing a comparison to the epidemic of black men and women being killed by police officers.
Because Emily Ratajkowski is annoying.
I thought the same thing. :-/
I’m embarrassed to say that when I saw the title of the article my first thought was “Why replace her with a man?” Stupid subconscious ingrained prejudices.