
Listen now, I grew up listening to Cosby’s albums and they are a treasured part of my childhood. I watched Fat Albert and the Cosby Kids and enjoyed that cartoon. I still find the albums funny (not so much Himself which was a blatant commercial to promote his new TV series, which I never really liked.)

How many times do we have to explain to people that even the people that are your friends that have never treated you badly can and have harmed others?? What is so hard about understanding that??

Any “apology” which fails to acknowledge that Cosby is a confessed rapist who got off on a technicality is bullshit.

I think you might be right about the residuals being her primary motivation behind deciding to try that shit. Always follow the money.

Any response short of GTFO represents an abject failure on the part of Howard U. She shouldn’t even be given the benefit of “resigning.”

Clearly she’s angling for a role in Leonard Part 7

Rashad can apologize by resigning and retiring.

“I am glad that Bill Cosby is out of jail because now hopefully they will put The Cosby show back on the air and I will get my residual checks again.”

Getting released on a technicality is not exoneration. Cosby still admits to drugging and raping many women. So, supporting Cosby means you support rapists. 

This apology is like moldy bread..... I’m not buying it. If she believes that either:

There can be no healing without accountability, both for Bill “Serial Rapist” Cosby, nor from Phylicia “Rapist Supporter” Rashad herself.

She clearly believes the her brand is strong.

To be fair Rumsfeld died, so today’s a wash.

This lady is clearly living in her own universe. She likely believes she is exempt from consequences because of her name. But what I don’t understand is, if she didn’t said anything before because she knew it would bring to her a lot of issues, why the hell is she saying anything now!
She thinks she’s safe because he

This is why i never liked her being so eerily indifferent about the whole ordeal.
She was rooting for the damn rapist this whole time.
There is no way in hell she can stay in that position without making the whole school look bad.
Oh, and I doubt this will be Cosby’s first stint in jail. With 50 victims? That we’ve

Just like bodyguards, admin assistants, legal reviews, and PR flacks are there to protect well paid leaders from their first impulses.

SO glad I get 7 days away from America. *sigh*

If this shit gets so bad that they’re looking for places to house 1 or 2 people at a time and needing shitbox cars from private citizens, then you’ll have just so much more to worry about than your material possessions. On the other hand, if your spare bedroom happens to be a 400+ bed hospital then yeah, expect that

As a short person of color I do not move over for white people. At some point in my life I realized most didn’t even see me (invisible) or they felt entitled to simply walk straight while I moved over. Not any more.

Ooh I did this in Rome once. Advice to the ladies - do NOT do this in Rome. The gentleman who ran into me turned around and shoved me, hard. Fuck that guy.