
This explains the early alliance between the LP and NAMBLA.

I knew there was something weird about those little, furry bastards.
Ewoks are all 1st edition AD&D clerics!

The Christmas War is very worrying, indeed. Christmas has nearly overwhelmed Thanksgiving and is making inroads into Halloween.
If I were Valentine's Day, I'd be very worried.

No, but it made me think that you never see Tom Bombadil and Tom Riddle together. Coincidence?

That's a lovely belief.
Alas, the folks I know who worked in oil company's alternative fuel divisions reported that when their bosses worked out that none of the alternative fuels would have an energy return ratio like fossil fuels', their projects were quietly scrapped.

BSG did end in mass hara-kiri, the slow motion sort. The colonists abandoned the bulk of their technology to settle on a pre-civilized world, thus dooming most or all of them all to die of malnutrition, disease or predators.

Don't worry, George. If you die before you finish, the fanfic writers can take over.

So don't pick that for your safe word.

"Morels" is actually pretty fun as a solitaire activity. But I still can't manage Zendo solo.

Remember: "Vagina dentata" scans to "Hakuna matata."

I'm trying to decide what it means that my therapist is urging me to watch this show. Job security, maybe?

Jenner's exposition: I don't know. I'm not qualified to know. And I'm out of booze.

And here I thought the only good reason to hate him was that he failed to get France, etc. to not beat Germany up too much at the end of WWI, thus setting the stage for WWII.

When does Gaiman have time to write? Here he is, hanging in the Whoverse, probably coming up with ideas for a new story arc. And he did Wootstock, even got to chew out Paul and Storm.

I made a mistake in watching zombie movies on Netflix.
Now Netflix thinks I'm willing to watch any sort of bad movie.

Non-supernatural death = no resurrection

DM to AH: Sorry, you were just killed by giant water spiders who totally won initiative. Go ahead and roll up another character.

There were more of us at the Roll the Bones concert than the …And Justice For All concert.

Did they ever applaud "Beauty and the Beast" for having a protagonist with a congenital cleft lip?

More "Lie to Me"!