
The comparison to Cats is deeply unfair as the screening I saw in NYC a few days after Christmas in 2019 was of the most joyfully deranged interactive movie going experiences of my life. It probably helped that the audience was packed with drunk gays and gals having the times of their lives experiencing the

How can Uber be the most hated brand in a country that has Comcast?

More than anything, I just hate the fucking score, as well as the fact that this is what all Broadway shows sound like now. It’s like the cast of Glee fucked the house band of a megachurch.

I’m annoyed for Anna Marie on behalf of Jewish women everywhere. 

“I remember when Bravo used to air operas.” -Jack Donaghy, GE Head of Late Night TV and Microwave Programming

Lil America has to be called Chrizzo, right?

Lizzo and Capt. america as a real life, boning couple would absoluting break the magachuds’ minds.