I like that idea. Instead of making it a train restricted to specific tracks, it could be like a bus that goes anywhere.
I like that idea. Instead of making it a train restricted to specific tracks, it could be like a bus that goes anywhere.
Visibility upgrades for night driving, full stop.
The answer is because the people at these conferences live a lifestyle where it’s easy to handwave away concerns like “How will I tow my boat to the lake?”, or “How will I drive 500 miles to Grandma’s house in winter time?”, or “How will I charge my vehicle if I live in an apartment?”, to say nothing of the…
I work in the packaging industry; our customers are other companies. They traditionally buy our product, use it, and then throw it out when done. It’s single-use packaging. One of our customers is a “zero waste” company. Basically they negotiated that we take back our used packaging and throw it away, so they don’t…
Mr Torchinsky you are a breath of fresh air here. You are clearly passionate about cars and you bring such an interesting perspective. THANK YOU!
I love what one the Jaguar designers (subtley) said about the new BMW face!
It’s amazing how blinding greed can be. Middle East and new-money Asia like big, bold, outlandish styling. They like ridiculously, ludicrously enormous grills and fascias... Luxury carmakers wants that sweet, sweet expanding-market cash, at the expense of their loyal, traditional fans.
Is it weird I just equated the…
As much as I love seeing EV’s like the Taycan come out, much more realistic and affordable EVs like this are even more exciting. As long as cars like this have a good range, I don’t need to go 0-60 in 3 seconds.
Lapid: “Anything but green.”
Youre the same type of person who got r/watchpeopledie taken off Reddit.
Ain’t that the truth! Just look how happy they are:
“Help me, BMW enthusiast. You’re my only hope.”
I feel like this would’ve been better music...
New cars need to be broken in. If you’re not careful during the break-in period you can reduce the performance and…
Stealing this from YouTube to get stars here.
We need more of this from them. This sport has lost all emotions to protect corporate overlords= boring. Where are the playboys, the fights, the drama, the spirited competition. All the drivers walk around like mannequins biting their tongue= boring!!