
If kids were allowed, all these (rightly) insecure adults, teens and young adults would see it as an insult.

All the coffees taste funny in Hollywood.

The solution isn’t to remove that part. It’s to add the ensuing lawsuit sequence. Boom, everyone happy (ever after).

This actually kinda amusing trailer makes me wonder if I have overlooked the original Venom and should have watched it.


It’s the end of an era and the beginning of a new one;

It’s been so long I haven’t read fiction. Even acquired an e-ink reader to process my million of accumulated PDFs without further destroying what remains of my eyes. Fun tech. But so impersonal, when it comes to literature. A book is more than a text, it’s also a predetermined cover, a page texture, a chosen font and

Parenthesis, but : Seeing one figure of legal authority seemingly abusing it and the other immediately turning against him instead of covering it up makes this scene a surprising delight. It’s just a detail, but the speed at which J points his gun at K feels like such a relief, after so many buddy movies where the

Now playing

Was” ? She’s currently a formidable theater director.

All has been said, but still, The Guardian says it well :

One major problem with the internet (and possibly the main cause of “culture wars”) is that it’s hard to distinguish online between “being worked out about it” and “expressing disapproval” or finding it interestingly regrettable”.

I admire its purity.”

By validating assholery through the definition of role-models.

It’s not illogical. The force with which a disgusting person is presented as an idol generates a proportional force to shatter that idolization. It’s not rocket science.

It’s always Ernest Borgnine.

Come on. That’s already a huge progress, for an AV Club article.

I just want it to fall on a confederate statue, for the ensuing geopolitical and theological speculations.

It’s no big deal. A lot of things end disappointingly, you can still enjoy them if you’re warned in advance (example : every each Doctor Who episode, despite the unavoidably cheap found-the-reset-button resolution).

There was more fog and drama and horror than in Corman’s Poe adaptations. BUT now I’ve watched my first Rathbone, yay. It was lovely. Thirteen to go.

Each time I see Alan Moore’s picture I have a second of hope for Donald Sutherland’s Robinson Crusoe.