a gritty version of Victorian London
a gritty version of Victorian London
Musk does interesting things (not as in designing stuff, but as in managing an interestingly daring company and pushing for interesting space tech innovation), and I’m not too unhappy that his weird Tintin project was selected for the moon (better him than Bezos, I suppose).
Yes. Cumberbatch is always entertaining, and I’m pretty sure there was a way to involve his character to some degree without making it a super-explainer or a supermanesque savior-of-everything. But maybe then the fans would have started complaining that, precisely, he should have been fixing everything. So, maybe not…
Oh that will be hard.
But conveniently so. There’s a thrill to violence. There’s a whole ideology of might, strength, badassery, at the basis of all exhilarating action movie. The role-models of “don’t mess with the hero” (John Wayne, Bruce Willis, Steven Seagal, Daniel Craig, whatever), of self-affirmation through brutality and…
Even when they pretend to be about how we are all brothers (wipes solitary tear).
That’s inspiring. It made me laugh out loud, the way it reminded us it’s still 98% about punching and killing dramatically.
There’s also Trover Saves The Universe. But I haven’t played it.
Nobody and Stowaway. Essentially the same movie.
No matter how many people you have to machine gun down for that, hijacking a blimp should be its own reward.
Apparently, he enjoyed displaying it on the set, because lol. Not all his coworkers were as thrilled or amused by it as he was. It’s even referred to (with a proud Barrowman wink because lol) in Tate and Tennant’s “Ballad of Russel and Julie” song.
It’s late, but between this and Barrowman’s wang, Eccleston’s vaguely disgusted allusions about the set’s climate and “culture” are slowly taking shape.
Is it because of worldwide markets? That sucks but I bet it is.
Endgame, 60 main characters. Let’s say 15% LGBT. That would be around ten of them being gay or bi. Which ones ?
Eww, people touched strangers’ hands in the past ? No wonder they got diseases. I hope this game won’t have a bad influence on kids.
Yes, that’s why I keep saying that the difference is mostly that the prequels are memorably bad (they’re a lingering cringe memory) whereas the sequels are offensively bland (I really fail to memorize anything about them). And comparing their flaws is a bit apple-and-oranges. Is a bland, going-through-the-motions film…
I remember reading Annie Wilkes’ rant in Misery and going “oh right, I know what you mean”.
You can criticize them all you want but at least in the prequels the women knew their place, and minorities were funny and dumb. Disney ruined everything.