
I’d go for a tiny mtv backstabbing your heel with a nail, but maybe it doesn’t sound dramatic enough.

Cool. Velma is the best.

(Also no, you won’t bait me with your angel ferret. I don’t care I didn’t even see it I don’t want to know.) 

In the near future where video conferences will have become our only mode of communication, witches and evil wizards will genuinely have the power to turn us into frogs at will.

Ok. I had no idea of that character’s background. So I assumed it was going for a more generic “bad mood opens door to demonic possession” kind of plot.

Yeah, I know that both comics and movies -not to mention videogames- enjoy indulging the “who would win a fight” question, in all possible combinations and under all possible pretexts (and also that discussions that drag longer than two tiles with nobody punching each others are deemed visually boring). And I do find

Do they though ? Haven’t read it, but the last image of this 3 pages preview seemed to hint at some “oh no he’s becoming evil too we’ll have to fight him now”.

Aaand another vowel, please.

Advanced odor control.

Australian weatherman pulls dead body from water during live broadcast

See, in all those fake versions of Batman, the Joker was depicted with a smile. A SMILE ! In a Batman and Superman movie, imagine that ! What next, colors and care bears ?

Same avoidance. And always hoped I’d play it some times and experience the original ending. But I really, really don’t see how now. So I gave up.

Why do some movies feature Ernest Borgnine and some others not ?

I haven’t played the Telltale Borderlands, but it’s said to be excellent, well written, very funny. So, why not a movie ? After all, that’s more or less what these Telltale games are.

Yes it’s done, and brilliantly so.

Okay. This Michelle Rodriguez picture is hilarious.

This is a slightly animated gif and not me going mad.

Twist the sand will age into Glass.

Curious question. Is that the first time they use the word “superhero” ?

Twist they were actually all getting younger but the film shows them in reverse.