
Nooooo! Say it ain't so.

Peter Gould wouldn't commit to Chuck being dead in the post-show interview, but if he wasn't, it would feel like a cheap trick—the cliffhanger trope (if I'm using that term correctly) trotted out as usual in TV series. So I hope he is dead. Flashbacks: OK. But Jimmy needs to move on, no more regrets and apologies

That's it. She is so despicable I want to shove her face into a sewer grate. I guess that primal reaction does make her a great character…

I hate the character of Lydia. Hate her. It's terribly disappointing that she has returned.

They were in a car wash.

And if Jimmy forces a settlement from Sandpiper, their coffers are going to be significantly fuller and maybe they can pay him off.

I didn't think the pills were going to do any good, anyway. Hector has angina. Nitro dilates the vessels to ease the pain, not save you from a heart attack. Switching the pills only means he's not going to get respite from the pain.

He just said that to manipulate him. He doesn't need 20% of $200K—chump change for him. He needs something more valuable from Mike, like an enforcer.

They were just as slimy as Saul will ever be.

The metamorphosis to Saul made me very, very sad.

I'm kinda curious about the ages of the posters (and author) since they know what the term means. I've used it before and got blank stares in return. It's either because the people I was talking to were younger than me, or lead MUCH more sheltered lives.

It's as though we are too dumb to get the point of the whole series without being explicitly told 10 times an episode.

I started it because somewhere I read it was the new "Breaking Bad." After suffering through it, I know that's the most laughable thing I've read in a long time.

Oh. And switching the gun? Like the police wouldn't have recorded its serial number before entering it in property? Give me a break!

The thing that has always bugged me is the show not making even a half-assed attempt for police verisimilitude. Debra's promotion required a serious suspension of disbelief, not to mention other, less egregious flaws. I was reminded of this during this episode when Dexter said he was running the prints through