Their reasoning is wrong because it’s based on a false premise.
Their reasoning is wrong because it’s based on a false premise.
Chapo Trap House called that this is the lesson Democrats would learn ages ago- and it’s a bad one because it means ignoring that a big part of Clinton’s loss was her failure to motivate working class voters of ALL RACES, not just working class whites.
The emphasis on Bernard’s backstory makes sense, as the Hosts’ backstories are important to keeping them anchored in their roles.
Definitely more opportunities to be shitty. You can’t shut yourself up in your room to escape when the abuse is coming through your phone or computer, and it’s way harder for educators and parents to monitor their kids’ communications than it used to be.
Didn’t YouGov recently come out and say that their meta showed that what was actually happening in this race is that the emails, like the access Hollywood tape, were making supporters less likely to respond to polls rather than actually changing how people intended to vote or what they thought?
Yeah- mostly because of how he well he sang the Takeda Lullably.