Lol, I’m a woman of color with a doctorate and I’m not fine. I’m from a working class family and after graduating, I’m still working class (making <$25k) because social mobility is a lie. Don’t say shit about shit you don’t understand.
Lol, I’m a woman of color with a doctorate and I’m not fine. I’m from a working class family and after graduating, I’m still working class (making <$25k) because social mobility is a lie. Don’t say shit about shit you don’t understand.
The post with six-figures of school debt are almost all high-earning professionals with Masters/Doctorate degrees. They’re fine.
speaking as somebody in their own 900sqft, 90-year-old beater of a house and with over 120K in student debt (and more in medical debt), no, its not enough, not soon enough, and not presenting any lasting change.
Spoken like someone who has never been on either side of an interaction with the police. Count your lucky stars, and hope you don’t ever come to the attention of an ill-trained, racially biased high school dropout who couldn’t get a better, safer job if they wanted to. And they likely don’t want to because those…
“They have the training, confidence, and fucking courage to do that job, a job where they could get killed any second.”
I agree in principle, but my fear is that a cop on an ego trip will just take you asking for a warrant or probable cause as “disrespect” and continue harassing you. And that’s not me saying, “So you should just go ahead and let them search your vehicle;” I just think asshole cops are gonna’ asshole cop and there…
Orange needle cap is enough for probable cause in most places, as syringe possession is often a misdemeanor. They’ll then search, find no contraband but find your insulin and then NOT give you a ticket or arrest you. Unless you piss them off. But you’re correct, being polite is key. If they illegally arrest you, you…
Their job isn’t even as scary as they try convincing the public it is. More pizza delivery boys die annually than cops.
the animals, fish, trees, and buildings those jobs are responsible for - none of them carry assault rifles and want to murder you.
Cops are awful. The reason they’ve lost the public’s respect is entirely because of their abhorrent behavior.
Years ago, I had a friend apply for a small-town police job and I was called for a reference. I rattled on about how he was the smartest guy in our college class and I enjoyed talking politics with him. The…
LMAO get fucked bootlicker.
Let me pull your bootlicking ass out of the greys for a tick...
JK Rowling’s statements have certainly made me fall out of love with Harry Potter. It’s not a case of actively boycotting it or anything like that, but it’s really just a whole lot less fun once you lose respect for the author. So yes, it is a case of “ exists,” but whereas before her comments I probably would…
I mean... you realize this is an argument that has no real tangible outcome to it right? You can keep claiming one thing and getting triggered when someone opposes that but you realize neither of you can win this argument because you’d need to hear collectively from every individual who bought a ticket (or didn’t buy…
Hiemoth, do you hate trans people? You’ve reiterated yourself a lot here arguing that the drop-off can’t possibly be about her transphobia. Little bit suspect.
The main demographic for this third film the studio was targeting are those very “woke people” as you slight them, the young adults who still felt a childhood connection for this franchise and world despite the bump of the previous film not being received particularly well. It’s why all the marketing for this film…
It opened in Europe a week earlier, when the RT score was still in the mid 60s (the verified audience score is almost double than for the prior film). The overwhelming critical consensus was that it was notably better than Crimes of Grindelwald and was getting the franchise back on track. Despite that the box office…
Yeah that’s a factual statement.
She does. No lies detected.
LOL 100% this, but you will still have people swear he lied about everything. Was it perfect at release no, not at all, but there hasn’t been a game studio, independent like HG, or AAA studio that has put forth this much work to update and improve a 6 year old game, and for free at that. Not to mention this was made…