While this is promising - the story doesn’t quite line up with the the headline, you know?
While this is promising - the story doesn’t quite line up with the the headline, you know?
Here’s a tip: if you have to use false advertising to trick and deceive people into coming to your “clinic” when your entire mission is to actually scare, shame, and pressure them out of the services they’re looking for that you pretend to provide, if you lie about literally every aspect of reproductive health, if you…
“Here’s a trick I learned”... since you brought it up, I suppose we could ask how you personally learned this trick? Did you have relatives in Jonestown or something?
The Victims Family usually watches said documentaries to see if it was accurate or not. In the case of Mr. Dalmer’s victims, many of their families were accused of abandoning them, the very reason that they were homeless teenage male prostitutes. In some cases the families had disowned their sons who were not old…
So disappointed after all the good shit Biden had been saying for him to turn around and go “Also we need a bajillion more cops!”
You’re too stupid and racist to have an opinion, be quiet.
An investigation before firing is appropriate, because if they wrongly terminate him they open themselves to a lawsuit. The video in question doesn’t prove that he stole the gas, it literally just shows a man filling up a van. It actually doesn’t even show him saying the things you hear on the video - at no point does…
I wouldn’t be surprised if the cops didn’t identify myself.
Well the video from the elevator tells a different story. She was attacking him.
Where is the evidence that he was abusive to her? What we do have is evidence that she was abusive towards him prior to this incident.
Yea this is some clickbait trash headline. As someone who suffers from mental health issues I have some things I’d like to say to Candace but I’m trying to be a better person so I’ll forgive her ignorance but I sure as hell ain’t clicking on another goddamn thing she writes.
Right? There are three people involved here - two notorious fame whores and Pete, and this is the route they chose to take?
Belittling someone for seeking therapy to process their own experiences is...something. Pete has been open about the fact that he has borderline personality disorder, a serious mental health condition with a high rate of suicide and other bad outcomes if not treated by a therapist.
The bully pulpit isn’t just used to try changing the minds of your opponents, it’s also about changing the minds of your supporters. It’s about getting the policy media time. In discussion.
Sure she’s a Russian shill but she makes a good point. I saw Kamala Harris on my computer screen promising decriminalization, at this point I think that was a straight up lie.
I fuckin hate AirBnB so much. I got like three neighbors who’ve started putting their places on AirBnB over the last few years. Now we got random people just standing around outside my apartment all day with luggage, vans idling out front, my next-door neighbor puts up groups of 8 or more at a time, so here in San…
The way I see it, him running home was the only way that beating was going to get filmed and possibly saved his life.
So apparently, the staff all called off so there was no one to work the event and they had to cancel/move it.