
That is an absolutely idiotic and bigoted response. There is so much wrong it, and from your other comments it seems like you are unwilling to learn or change your opinion, so... Okay Boomer.

Which progressives are Boomers? The ones I know are Gen X or Millennials.

He doesn’t, though. He is just saying things. Science has been aware of the fact that weed isn’t a gateway drug longer than I have been alive, and I’m Gen X.

Found a racist.

Rules are rules is something spoken only by someone who doesn’t understand that very, very often the rules are what is wrong. I can’t believe that is even a thing that any self respecting adult would say. Unless you are a white, male, land owning citizen if rules were rules you shouldn’t get to vote and your opinion

Just off the top of my head; because some diseases are still highly stigmatized and can lead to very real and negative consequences. There are so many better ways to analyze data for such things. It’s sort of like saying well it’s great that they are doing something about the rat infestation. Too bad instead of using

I analyze healthcare data for a living. You are 100% wrong. It is surprisingly easy to ID patients based on very few data points. For some it takes as little as 3 data points such as age, location of the hospital, and a single diagnosis or procedure performed to ID a patient. Google will have so much more than that. To

This doesn’t work in Minnesota. It just shunts you to the extremely shitty MNsure website.

He has taken away my right to be free of discrimination in schools, in health care, and continually fights to ensure I can be fired just because I’m gay. That is just the tip of the iceberg.


It rips through our native species rather quickly.

Except that is exactly what they did. Blizzard drew a line in the sand when the banned him for speaking. Blizzard drew the line and told all its users worldwide that if you cross the line, if you advocate for your own rights and it might threaten their profits, then they will punish you.

Are you able and willing to elaborate on your experience?

Wonderful idea.

What are you even talking about? Where did social justice come in to what I posted?

Nope. It’s been shown again and again and again corporal punishment is not only ineffective, but even isolated, non regular instances of its use cause adverse behaviors in the kids. Violence to kids makes violent adults, period. It can make the adult feel better, but it’s detrimental to the kid.

Actually, yes. It’s been theorized that minority or underprivileged kids experience stress on a regular basis because of, well, racism, sexism, homophobia, etc. and often see adults experience similar stress. Because this happens regularly the kids learn coping mechanisms from experience and observation and don’t

“The REAL left does NOT support gun control. The REAL left knows that they need to be armed to protect themselves. The Real left are students of history and have learned it’s lessons.” ...sure sounds like your views are in line with extremist propaganda. If it looks like a duck, sounds like a duck, smells like a

He is killing people in literal concentration camps. He is tearing families apart because of racism. He is the most racist president in my lifetime. People who support him are evil, extremely stupid, or both. Supporting him has lead to the kind of deaths that we haven’t seen in our country since the Japanese

or stupid, or both.