
“I’ve actually worked to get Democrats elected.”

Nobody gives a fuck.

Mexican tears son mas picante.

“I just moved to a safe blue area”

““Arguing”? I’m dismissing you without a second thought, motherfucker.”

“I work in state government now, so it has to be on non-work time.”

That’s not what’s happening.

He’s a moron. Perfectly suited for The Root.

I like how he’s a coward afraid to engage in an honest dialogue

“So black and Latinx people aren’t concerned with bread-and-butter issues? We aren’t ordinary Americans? Why put such a break between race and economics? Sanders clearly means white Americans when he says “ordinary Americans.”

What part of fired for cause did you miss?

Stupid is as stupid does.

Why do you not respond to people directly?

“I’ve actually worked to get Democrats elected.”

They’re all exactly the same: pipe dreams.

Nice try. Wanna give it another go?

Brilliant idea.

Antifa is not the answer.

White People are the worst.

You realize that you don’t have to sell at the price they are offering, right?

Too bad there’s not an easy way to find out who directed what film on the internet.