
If you've already lost enough trust in your partner to be secretly following their whereabouts, then chances are you're not headed to Couple Heaven anyway.

Doesn't surprise me too much. My understanding is their show takes a somewhat libertarian stance?

As long as there are people ready and willing to violate the rights of others and initiate aggression, there will be violent conflict and war.

Well, if they overstay, threaten to beat them? I know it's technically not okay to use their fear of domestic abuse against them, but if they've been couchsurfing for 10+weeks...

Also old classmates. Worst of all, they're usually a combination of freeloading visitor and Person With a Tech Issue You Can Conveniently Solve, Right?


You take that GODDAMN HORROR out of here, sir.

Plain logic.

A gun, like a sword, is a tool. One of the great things about guns is how much it levels the playing field. It takes away the Elite Warrior Class's greatest advantage - with guns, you have the ability to kill him just as dead as he can you, and the training doesn't require ten years or more of daily practice.

Why is nuclear power bad?

No, but if you don't think the US led the way with early generation telecommunications infrastructure, you're ignorant of history.

They've had years to become accurate groin destroyers and experts at annihilation of the ego.

I almost never, ever see anything about force multipliers in the news. Kinda awesome to see the term used outside of people familiar with the military applications and DIME.

So, if I grow up in a society that was disarmed before my birth, it's my fault for not having the capacity to resist tyranny?

Notice I did say the efficacy of this vehicle is definitely debatable?

Check out Costs money, but turns your computer (or server, if you have one) into a streaming service for you/friends.

I think, if I understand right, your view boils down to this:

Disarming the people (and knowledge has always been the most powerful weapon) is the simplest and best way to maintain control. I'm sorry you and your friends and family members exist under these conditions.

If I remember correctly, didn't Jobs used to fly the Pirate Flag over Apple in its earliest years?

<3 Hells yes. All of the win is yours, sir.