
It may not have stopped the nomination of a monumentally unqualified SCJOTUS, but I think it’s far too early to say that it was for nothing. I think the contrast between her resolute composure and the whiny, exasperated flailing of Blackout Brett is something that’s going to stick in the minds of people for a long

Ever since McCain did that whole “you’ll have to wait and see” shit with ACA every bloody Senator seems to want a moment like this. Collins was clearly always going to go for the drunk assaulter as a real Nice GuyTM but she wanted her “moment for the books” on top.

I just feel fucking terrible generally.

Ford spoke out for nothing. That’s what she was worried about all along: That she would re-live her trauma and ruin her life for nothing.

If Maine doesn’t vote out this attention-seeking sack of shit, shaped like a woman, we should vote them out. 

As for the future of abortion rights, Collins argued that Kavanaugh promised her that he would respect Roe v. Wade as settled precedent.

I feel fucking terrible for Dr. Blasey Ford.

I never played any games like that. I was too busy “snorting massive rails of cocaine”, which was what we called blowing our noses when we had a sinus infection, and “injecting heroin directly into my eyeballs”, which was our term for spending extra time in the bathroom due to stomach upset.

I was watching this video about a drinking game called “two girls one cup” the other day, where two girls drink from a cup and I was reminded of the old drinking games we used to play in high school, like:

I had no patience for the book (too fucking long and deeply gross) but loved the movie, mainly based on Bale’s absurdly camp performance. I don’t think there’s anything particularly smart about the story, but I could watch Bale going nuts over minor indignities all day long. It’s even better knowing he modelled his

If all it took to drive you away from feminism was a satirical opinion column that you didn’t think was funny, you must have a very fragile belief system.

Uh the book is 1,000% worse. Couldn’t even finish it. The movie is hilarious.

I think one of the greatest silent justices I saw this weekend was the SNL skit with Matt Damon as Kavanaugh. Why? Because Dr. Blasey Ford wasn’t depicted. They left her out specifically, as if to say, “We will only make caricatures of those who chose to be in the spotlight.” I am proud of them for that, so that Ford

“John Waffles" was really the clincher here.

Clarence Thomas has been watching all this eagerly and rubbing his hands, “Finally, I’ll have someone here with shared interests.”

Take it to the press, witnesses and accusers. If the FBI won’t listen to you, let’s hope the American public will.

He’s going to get in isn’t he. It doesn’t matter about the credibility of the witnesses or that he lied under oath. Just as his overly emotional and anti all Democrats responses to being questioned raises massive red flags. No way in hell is he an impartial judge, nor does he have the temperament to hold the position

He reminds me of a cross between Hannibal Lector (minus the charm and intelligence), Frank Underwood and Regan from The Exorcist. Once again, I find myself hoping Jeff Sessions remains AG. Why must the universe continue to make me root for Jeff Sessions?

Those of you who have conservative family members, picture what they are doing right now in a world with these following headlines.

So when a witness asked to be interviewed by the FBI gives another name to follow up with, right now they cannot do so? Ugh.

Another Times report suggests that senators seen as swing votes—Susan Collins of Maine, for one—are aware of, and apparently comfortable with, the scope of the investigation: “Mr. McGahn shared the witness list with the F.B.I. but is working in concert with Senate Republicans, and senators considered key swing votes