
Though, I prefer the breakdown over the video. I’d rather read then watch some doofus making goofy expressions with ear splitting background music. Usually the video is way too long in getting the point across.

The take away from this shouldn’t be that it was too complex, but that we as a GM need to keep our approach simple even during more complex environs or events.

As GMs we always have our off days or run things incorrectly, but I think in this case you are attributing your suboptimal approach to running Out of the Abyss

I still miss DinkleBot. His voice was so much more unique, while NolanBot just sounds like 343 Guilty Spark 2.0. Damn you, haters! Damn you to heck!

Australia is populated with spiders that will kill you, snakes that will kill you, crocodiles, kangaroos (which will most definitely ruin your day), drop bears, and Tony fucking Abbott. A bikie is child’s play in comparison.

Lovely post, completely wasted attached to mine instead of the main thread. I’m the only person who’s ever going to see it now.

What, so they’re actually claiming that they’re using existing infrastructure in North America and Europe to serve the South American players? Either they’re dishonest (which they’ve been previously) or they’re just plain stupid.

If only they’d been doing this from the start, I bet there’d be a lot less anger at Niantic.

As a manager, I say this all the time. The lack of communication where I work is the root cause of about 95℅ of our problems.

Seriously. You’re telling me the lead dev couldn’t take 10 minutes off to write this like, a week ago? Or more? You don’t need super info heavy posts, just some acknowledgement that things are bad and you’re working on it.

GabeN, are you listening?

Good: Communication, justification, and assurance that the community’s problems are working to be addressed.

Bad: A failure to indicate any sort of time expectation, a focus on bringing a non-functional product to more people rather than fixing the product before rolling it out further, and a failure to address many of

Ah, communication! It’s amazing how much even a little of it helps.

So this is horribly embarrassing, but I can’t beat the first blacksite mission.

The first run I thought it was because I left it too long, and all the mutons and sectoids overwhelmed me. Then I tried it two more times on new campaigns, and I got pasted by the ADVENT and viper defenders both times.

Anyone have any

Normally I’d boo right along with you, but this time the video is worth watching.

This should about cover it.

Hey welcome back among us ! You might want to go easy as a lot have been going on since you got lost in that cave.

What’s with spelling Dog with an “e”? Been seeing that a lot lately, has to do with that meme dog that’s I think the same breed, right?

If you are a Star Wars fan and haven’t Hidden Fortress you really should. The roles of C3PO and R2 are the ones strongest influenced by it and they’re two japanese peasants. The likeness is uncanny, near to the point of plagiarism sometimes :D (I get that that sounds weird, but you have to see it)