This is really tasteless, Barry. That man just had his home broken into.
This is really tasteless, Barry. That man just had his home broken into.
Local talk radio (for whatever it's worth) are railing on the game plan, and have been all day. While Manning certainly wasn't what we would have expected, there also can't be much of an excuse for not altering the passing game when it wasn't working, devoting more defensive resources to putting pressure on Luck, or…
Mmmmmm, gravy.
Wow, what the fuck. I like Foxy. But as we saw last year, and yesterday... We were unprepared. Foxs job.
The troll is strong with this one.
Not surprised. The Broncos were consistently outschemed in big games. Fox was too cautious with a lead, even with all his offensive firepower.
how did people in Seattle recognize NBA stars?
Am I a hopeless fuddy-duddy for refusing to get on Team Salad Tossing? I just...fecal-oral bacterial transmission, you guys. C. diff is no fucking joke.
Maybe this will start a good ol' fashioned internet beer fight, but Colorado is better than Oregon as a beer state, and I don't think it's all that close. IMO.
Honestly this is just fucking sad, really fucking sad.
Woman: [hears an argument about the amount of money professional athletes are paid for signing with a professional team]
Woman: [hears a struggle between two idiots]
Woman: [yells at husband to turn off that damn sports radio show]
This was like the time my parents used a board game box to wrap a bunch of video games in for Xmas.
It must be such a relief to see something black on the floor in Chicago that isn't Derrick Rose.
The guy in that last letter never clearly establishes that he wasn't doing what he was accused of. How do we know he didn't leave his roommate in the Womb of Time?
Jesus Christ I think this joke is done.
Something something feet LOL!