Small Government! Except when we want to tell you how to spend your entertainment time, or what to do with your own body!
Small Government! Except when we want to tell you how to spend your entertainment time, or what to do with your own body!
Turning the gender dynamic on its head in your scenario is really effective, because if you’re at least alert to our culture’s stereotype of the deceptive, manipulative woman, you have to confront the double standard in judging Walt’s actions.
Spoilers: It was Amino Acids that made the first Protein.
Fuck you and your stupid prayers.
Russell actually had someone feeding him a play-by-play of tonight's Breaking Bad.
So two guys steal what is probably one of the guys favorite possessions, brag about it, then act like assholes and hold out when he asks for it back. Not sure why this article is so slanted against Vanderjagt. These two just sound like a couple of douchebags. Stealing his jerseys isn't even that funny of a story. …
Also, I watched that snow game. The Costa Ricans were gaining momentum as the snow started. They were yelling that they wanted to play on at first. But then, as more and more of their drives were killed, they changed their tune. You can't have it both ways.
Stereotypes are OK when they're of a group you don't belong to!
Next up, Putin bans the Olympic Torch for being too flaming.
Any chance Adidas is paying Griffin's fines?
Uh, yeah. Not talking about the Coors brewery in Golden. You can't swing a dead cat without hitting a microbrewery if you head west of Denver. Those beers make it back east and people from Denver drink them.
I like touch of the sign being Bears colors. That's some nice, subtle coattail riding right there.