
Sorry mate

If it may sway your mind, Mo Ryan thought the first season was goodish.

He was so damned talented and from what everyone is saying he was a actual good person. This is so. sad.

So great!


*glares darkly at Alex McLevy some more

Fair enough!

Oh! I forgot about that! And how Tromp is the competition!!!!!
Scary how much hollywood helped with his mythologising.

Also this time Tennant gets to be in his natural accent, which is a plus.

It's selling out fast…

YEs!!! to both points.

I watch it when I feel low. I makes me feel better. And the physical comedy is really good! Also John Cho cameo

Shucks, no I haven't. It all makes sense now.

I hate that movie, I hate Julia Roberts in that movie, I hate that fucking speech from that movie I HATE IT


I vote for pummel with cricket bats, but you say patato I say potato (cos that's how it's spelled ya rube!)

Every Woody Allen movie bar Manhattan?

and a bit of an ankle basher

Or at least tied him up and had sex with him. Lot's of sex with him.

Duckie sucks, but Blane sucks more. Andie needs to go to London and work for Bowie.